Software that can generate a set of ABSoprtion COefficient tables that span the thermal IR to UV spectral range
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Cannot run the command ./ -c gfortran -i ABSCO_config.ini #26

Open xbr2017 opened 2 months ago

xbr2017 commented 2 months ago

I have installed the following items in Centos 7: zlib-1.2.13 hdf5-1.10.7 netcdf-c-4.7.4 gfortran-4.8.5

Meanwhile, I have also modified the absco/LBLRTM/build/, as follow: NETCDF = yes NCL = /usr/local/lib # the netcdf4 is installed successfully in this path NCI = /usr/local/include # the netcdf4 is installed successfully in this path INCLUDES:= -I. -I$(NCI)

But, when I followed the instructions in the Quickstart part as follow:

  1. git clone --recursive; cd ABSCO
  2. conda env create -n absco -f environment.yml
  3. conda activate absco
  4. ./ -c gfortran -i ABSCO_config.ini

the code reported ERROR: ../src/read_module.f90:26: Error: Can't open included file ''

Could someone help me with that? Thank you very much!