Currently, we have 3 main staking status:
Confirmed, Restaked, Destaked.
Confirmed means valid stakes right now.
Restaked means the specified stake is stopped, and it was restaked.
Destaked means that the user clicked the destaked button at some point.
Can we please change these statuses to the following?
Confirmed Stake - someone has staked and this is a live stake.
Confirmed Restake - someone has clicked the restake button on an eligible stake and and the current row item is a restake. (this means whatever row was previosly considered "Confirmed Stake" should be now "Destaked".
Destaked - means that the user clicked the destaked button at some point or a Confirmed Stake has destaked so that a restake can occur.
With this new status names, can we changed the logic on the column called Locked End date? Instead of only showing the end date of the stake. can we show it either the end date of the stake OR the destake date based on whichever one comes earlier? so this means if I click the restake button on a "Confirmed Stake" on Jan 2nd, then the locked end date of that row should be Jan 2nd and not some date in Feb when the stake lockin period is expected to end.
Finally, can we change the name of the LOCKED END DATE to "LOCK END DATE"?
Currently, we have 3 main staking status: Confirmed, Restaked, Destaked.
Confirmed means valid stakes right now.
Restaked means the specified stake is stopped, and it was restaked.
Destaked means that the user clicked the destaked button at some point.
Can we please change these statuses to the following?
Confirmed Stake - someone has staked and this is a live stake.
Confirmed Restake - someone has clicked the restake button on an eligible stake and and the current row item is a restake. (this means whatever row was previosly considered "Confirmed Stake" should be now "Destaked".
Destaked - means that the user clicked the destaked button at some point or a Confirmed Stake has destaked so that a restake can occur.
With this new status names, can we changed the logic on the column called Locked End date? Instead of only showing the end date of the stake. can we show it either the end date of the stake OR the destake date based on whichever one comes earlier? so this means if I click the restake button on a "Confirmed Stake" on Jan 2nd, then the locked end date of that row should be Jan 2nd and not some date in Feb when the stake lockin period is expected to end.
Finally, can we change the name of the LOCKED END DATE to "LOCK END DATE"?
Reported by: ReFi Team ( - Contact via
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