ReFlar / polls

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WIP 1.2.0 #30

Closed KyrneDev closed 6 years ago

KyrneDev commented 6 years ago
KyrneDev commented 6 years ago

PR is finished, awaiting code review

KyrneDev commented 6 years ago

So if you leave the end date blank it will never expire

I'll fix the style

That admin perm is part of 1.1.0, not this version, it allows admins to edit polls

dsevillamartin commented 6 years ago

@CDK2020 There's two permissions, one in "participate" and one in "moderate".

image image

KyrneDev commented 6 years ago

The first screenshot doesn't contain the edit poll permission. I assume you are talking about "self edit polls" which allows the user to edit his/her own poll. The mod item allows mods to edit polls

dsevillamartin commented 6 years ago

@CDK2020 Meant to send this. I know it means that you can edit your own poll, but some users may be confused as to why there are two permissions for seemingly the same thing.

image vs image

ghost commented 6 years ago

Maybe change it to “Allow users to edit their polls”?

KyrneDev commented 6 years ago

Yup, it was meant to say that, thanks for pointing it out. I'll fix everything tonight. I'll also update the end date placeholder to say "optional"

KyrneDev commented 6 years ago

@datitisev Updated, ready for re-review

dsevillamartin commented 6 years ago

@CDK2020 What about polls that don't expire? It doesn't seem to be working, I leave expiration date empty and it says the poll has ended and doesn't let me vote or edit it.

tjrgg commented 6 years ago

image I can confirm @datitisev's issue. It appears to happen for me as well.

Edit: This is now fixed.

tjrgg commented 6 years ago

I also have to suggest splitting up the edit and delete permissions for polls. The use case I mentioned in flarum/core#1387 applies here as well, so I have to make the same suggestion here.

Ralkage commented 6 years ago

@Tyler0130 brought up similar points as yourself, these issues will definitely be fixed soon, especially with the missing "Save" button and wordy "Public poll: Click to view voters button" (There is an issue where the yml is having problems parsing this string due to the colon ":" afer "poll").