ReFlar / polls

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Poll Answer # does not reset when adding or removing additional poll options #33

Closed Ralkage closed 6 years ago

Ralkage commented 6 years ago


When you create or start a poll from the "Start Discussion" composer, the poll option number does not reset back to it's original number when you remove a 3rd option and add a new one back in. In this state, you also cannot submit the poll to attach to the discussion.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start a discussion.
  2. Add a poll.
  3. Add an option passed the default 2.
  4. Delete that option.
  5. Try adding another option again.
  6. Take note as the answer # increases even after you deleted/removed the previous one.

Expected Behavior: When you launch the poll modal and want to add more options, you should be allowed to remove an option and add more options without the "Answer #" increasing instead of it being the actual field option number.

Actual Behavior: Poll options do not reset back to their original "Answer #" and the number just increases instead. In this state, you also cannot submit the poll as clicking the "Submit" button does not close the "Add Poll" modal.

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