ReFormationPro / Gstreamer-H264-Encryption

Experimental GStreamer plugin for encrypting / decrypting H264 streams with AES
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

Encrypted video, sent over rtp + udp, requires specific 'order' of receiver launch #9

Open inobelar opened 1 week ago

inobelar commented 1 week ago

I'm testing realtime streaming capabilites, and discovered, that sometimes, we cannot listen to video stream, if its not pre-launched. I uploaded annotated videos to YouTube, due to GitHub restritions for attachments size (max 10 mb).

For quicker consumption, sender's stream configured for:

I recorded 2 videos (used "pr4-test-fix" branch):

  1. H264 + rtp + udp (localhost), without encryption:
    • This video show, that 'Receiver' & 'Sender' can be launched in any order, its important.
    • This behaviour I assume as 'reference'/'expected'/'needed'.
    • Works without rtpjitterbuffer well, as expected on 'localhost', without many packets lost.
  2. H264 + rtp + udp (localhost), with enctyption:
    • This video show the next issues:
      • Without and with rtpjitterbuffer, 'Receiver' cannot be launched after 'Sender' (~immediately), only after pre-launched 'Sender' - its important current disadvantage.
      • Without rtpjitterbuffer video shown with glitches
    • As side-efect, due to usage of rtpjitterbuffer, strange lag or video buffering was added.
ReFormationPro commented 1 week ago

Thanks for testing this plugin and sharing your findings again.

inobelar commented 1 week ago

@ReFormationPro Sorry, my mistake. I should have attached the text to the video right away, I checked my email quite late. Thanks again for your quick response!

without_encryption.txt ```txt WITHOUT ENCRYPTION SENDER: GST_DEBUG=3 \ gst-launch-1.0 --verbose \ videotestsrc do-timestamp=true pattern=ball ! \ "video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, framerate=30/1" ! \ timeoverlay ! \ x264enc \ speed-preset=ultrafast \ tune=zerolatency \ key-int-max=15 ! \ rtph264pay config-interval=1 ! \ udpsink \ host= \ port=5000 RECEIVER: GST_DEBUG=3 \ DISPLAY=:0.0 \ gst-launch-1.0 --verbose \ udpsrc \ port=5000 ! \ "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264, payload=(int)96" ! \ rtph264depay ! \ avdec_h264 ! \ videoconvert ! \ ximagesink \ sync=false ```
with_encryption.txt ```txt WITH ENCRYPTION SENDER: GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/vuser/work/Gstreamer-H264-Encryption/build \ GST_DEBUG=3 \ gst-launch-1.0 --verbose \ videotestsrc do-timestamp=true pattern=ball ! \ "video/x-raw, width=640, height=480, framerate=30/1" ! \ timeoverlay ! \ x264enc \ speed-preset=ultrafast \ tune=zerolatency \ key-int-max=15 ! \ h264encrypt \ iv-seed=1869052520 \ key=01234567012345670123456701234567 \ encryption-mode=aes-cbc ! \ rtph264pay config-interval=1 ! \ udpsink \ host= \ port=5000 RECEIVER: GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/vuser/work/Gstreamer-H264-Encryption/build \ GST_DEBUG=3 \ DISPLAY=:0.0 \ gst-launch-1.0 --verbose \ udpsrc \ port=5000 ! \ "application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=(string)H264, payload=(int)96" ! \ rtph264depay ! \ h264decrypt \ key=01234567012345670123456701234567 \ encryption-mode=aes-cbc ! \ avdec_h264 ! \ videoconvert ! \ ximagesink \ sync=false ```
inobelar commented 1 week ago

"The link to structure needed for the parsing couldn't be found".

Maybe putting h264parse after rtph264depay can help

Wow! I didn't notice this many times! Thanks, I added h264parse after rtph264depay, and it fixed 'major problem of the issue' (rtpjitterbuffer is not too critical for me, but lag/buffering kinda annoying), but if you say, it can be fixed too - its awesome! :tada:

In general, I find this plugin of yours to be a gem! :gem: Excellently and clearly written (if reader take the trouble to delve into the domain a little), it works, almost flawlessly, 95% of flawlessly :)

It became for me both an excellent reading, an introduction to encryption and h264 low-level format (nal-units), and a cool reference for writing plugins! That's why I would like to "make it as cool as possible". I would like to fix all the bugs myself, but I'm not that cool yet :laughing: As they say - "I would do everything myself if I could", but for now I'm meticulously testing it, understanding the nuances, so that later I can improve the documentation, explain the implementation more clearly for other beginners (like me).

It seems to me that this plugin is a powerful tool :muscle: for those who need it.

ReFormationPro commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your kind comments again and thank you also for testing and bringing issues. It is nice to hear that this project is beneficial. It would be nice if this plugin had better documentation, faq etc. I will be considering improving those aspects. Good luck with your work too.