ReScience / ReScience-article-2

Repository for the upcoming ReScience article
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Where to publish (poll) #45

Open rougier opened 7 years ago

rougier commented 7 years ago

@rougier, @khinsen, @otizonaizit, @pdebuyl, @ctb, @ThomasA, @tpoisot, @benoit-girard, @karthik, @oliviaguest, @labarba, @benoit-girard, @MehdiKhamassi, @vitay, @gdetor, @dmcglinn, @yoavram, @FedericoV, @heplesser, @apdavison, @neuronalX, @piero-le-fou, @mstimberg, @rossant, @eroesch, @damiendr, @delsuc, @soolijoo, @benureau, @rth, @KamilSJaron, @almarklein, @pietromarchesi, @anyaevostinar, @ozancaglayan, @aaronshifman, @gviejo, @gdetor, @MehdiKhamassi, @benoit-girard, @opetchey, @Vahidrostami, @jsta, @Fjanks, @ChristophMetzner, @vitay, @akdiem, @falex33, @aaronshifman, @RafaelNH

We still need to decide where to publish the article.

You can add up to 2 thumbs up and 2 thumbs down for the proposed journals below.

If you have any comments/questions please open a new issue. By the end of July, we'll count +1/-1 to get a relative order. You can also check for information on these journals

Final results (01/08/2017): Update (29/09/2017)

  1. PNAS: 14 (not really interested, 28/09/2017)
  2. F1000: 8 (doesn't fit + don't know how to review (sic), 29/09/2017)
  3. Science: 7 (would necessitate a major rewrite to fit)
  4. PeerJ: 5
rougier commented 7 years ago


rougier commented 7 years ago


rougier commented 7 years ago

Nature communications

rougier commented 7 years ago


rougier commented 7 years ago

Computing in Science & Engineering

rougier commented 7 years ago


rougier commented 7 years ago


rougier commented 7 years ago

Journal of Open Research Software

rougier commented 7 years ago

Royal Society Open Science