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Where can we publish this? #3

Open khinsen opened 8 years ago

khinsen commented 8 years ago

Wish list (mine):

I don't think any journal satisfies all criteria.

Candidates (please suggest more!):

tpoisot commented 8 years ago

I would go for PeerJ Comp Sci. The APC is a bit high if we pay for the page, not much if we pay the subscriptions (I have one already, so this might influence my judgment a bit).

jsta commented 8 years ago

I am not sure if this satisfies the last item on your wish-list but I recently stumbled upon:

olexandr-konovalov commented 8 years ago

JORS (Journal of Open Research Software) has the "Issues in Research Software" track where it "publishes full-length research papers that cover different aspects of creating, maintaining and evaluating open source research software". Such paper could also possibly fit there.

rougier commented 8 years ago

We still need to decide where to publish since this may impact the paper (if there is length restriction for example)

oliviaguest commented 8 years ago

Should we go the preprint route?

MehdiKhamassi commented 7 years ago

Sorry if this has already been proposed previously, but why not simply publishing it in ReScience itself? It would be like an editorial article presenting the journal. And if we spread this article to colleagues and on Internet, let's hope that it will get sufficient attention to help diffuse the message about the existence of ReScience.

oliviaguest commented 7 years ago

That makes me think... Do we have altmetrics for our articles?

rougier commented 7 years ago

@MehdiKhamassi That could be an option but I would prefer a wider audience if possible since ReScience is still quite confidential I'm afraid.

@oliviaguest No. Do you know how to do that ? What is required ?

oliviaguest commented 7 years ago

A DOI if I'm not mistaken.

khinsen commented 7 years ago

Right. Just go to the Zenodo page of any of the published ReScience paper, and activate the Altmetrics bookmarklet. That shows zero whatever for the papers I tried. I suppose the problem is that the DOI cannot be traced back to the ReScience article. Tweets giving the ReScience URL don't count towards altmetrics on the Zenodo DOI.

That said, I consider altmetrics about as relevant as impact factors, so I don't really care.

khinsen commented 7 years ago

Publishing in ReScience: I would prefer an external platform for visibility and credibility (the latter assuming that there is some reviewing process).

Preprint publication: fine as a first step, but same problem as self-publishing in ReScience in the long run. A variant: publish on Authorea. That's more or less a preprint platform on steroids, but it is getting a lot of attention recently and we might profit from that.

rougier commented 7 years ago

Another potential journal (Open access, no open peer review, not specific to computer science) is PLOS One.

rougier commented 7 years ago

@khinsen Is Authorea a collaborative publishing platform "only" or do they offer more ?

khinsen commented 7 years ago

Authorea is mainly a collaborative writing platform, but since articles can be made publicly viewable, it is also a publishing platform and this is an aspect they want to develop very actively in the future. There is a commenting system but no review of any kind, which is why I place it in the category of preprint servers.