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Can the Makefile load the amsmath package? #34

Open alexdiem opened 6 years ago

alexdiem commented 6 years ago

The amsmath LaTeX package is required when using math environments such as cases. Can it be loaded in the Makefile?

rougier commented 6 years ago

Not sure I understand how to do that (in the Makefile I mean). Can you make a PR ?

alexdiem commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid I don't know either, hence why I decided to open an issue. I tried to find a way yesterday since I need to write "proper" equations in my manuscript, but it doesn't seem possible with the markdown template. The only way around it I can think of at the moment would be to remove the line that deletes the tex file and editing that directly.

ChristophMetzner commented 6 years ago

Can't you modify the .tex-template to load the amsmath package?

ThomasA commented 6 years ago

It sounds like a Really Bad Idea™ to do it in a makefile (via a command line option to pdflatex I assume) as this makes the dependency invisible at the document level. Someone else trying to compile such a LaTeX file in another environment will get errors (because of the missing amsmath dependency) and may have a hard time tracking down what is missing. IMO always introduce packages like that in the preamble (in the LaTeX file itself).

rougier commented 6 years ago

Yes, modifying the template seems the easiest option.