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The submission instructions are not clear #11

Open karthik opened 4 years ago

karthik commented 4 years ago

Hi EICs, I just handled my first submission using these new instructions. I followed the readme closely but was confused the whole time. I get it now.

Things that are not clear:

This wasn't clear to me. I now realize I should have done the first and not the second.

Here is my first take on a revised README:

Is this useful? Should I submit this as a pull-request?

pdebuyl commented 4 years ago

Hello @karthik

I think that a PR will be welcome. I did just fine with the current instructions once I realized that they were location in the "articles" repository and not in the "edit" page of the website, which would warrant a PR to the website repo. Your proposal makes several steps more explicit, which is a good thing.

oliviaguest commented 4 years ago

This stuff all confuses/d me too, so yes, please do the PR if you can.

karthik commented 4 years ago

Thanks both. I opened a PR.

karthik commented 4 years ago

You can see the rendered readme here

rougier commented 4 years ago

Thanks @karthik, it is much much better. And a bit scary bacause I realized there are 14 steps... I wrote the script to automatize things but now I realize it needs to be automatized mich more. In the meantime we are planning to move to JOSS infrastucture so maybe this full automatization is not needed.

karthik commented 4 years ago

In the meantime we are planning to move to JOSS infrastucture so maybe this full automatization is not needed.

That's great to hear and also want I came to suggest. Let me know if you need any help. I have a grant to generalize JOSS for use at rOpenSci but I'm sure we can also roll it out for ReScience easily, unless you've already kicked off that process.

rougier commented 4 years ago

That would be awsome. I did not started anything yet and I'm not sure where to start actually.

karthik commented 4 years ago

In that case I will start a email thread with Arfon Smith and the engineer we've hired to work on this.

khinsen commented 4 years ago

@karthik This sounds excellent. We were a bit stuck with the idea of adopting the JOSS infrastructure because we didn't really know where to start and what to expect in terms of effort. Doing this in parallel with rOpenSci would certainly make this a lot easier!