ReScience / call-for-replication

Call for Replication in ReScience
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Emergence of Complex Computational Structures From Chaotic Neural Networks Through Reward-Modulated Hebbian Learning #2

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Work to Replicate

Cereb. Cortex (2014) 24 (3): 677-690. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs348


This article claims an important forward step in realistic liquid state machines, so it is an ideal study for replication. The algorithms are also simple and easy to implement.

I attempted to replicate it myself. The learning algorithm correctly produced the target time series, but the weights did not converge. So I cannot replicate the post-learning phase of Figure 1f, for example, because freezing the weights (i.e., turning off learning) causes the error to increase drastically. I carefully checked that my algorithms are exactly as described in the Methods and Supplementary Materials, but it's possible I missed something.

My replication attempt is in Matlab, so I cannot submit it to ReScience. I would like to know if someone else is able to replicate the study or has the same problems I did.


Convergence of the weights. In the article, the algorithm is shown to be accurate "post-learning" when the weights are frozen. I am unable to get accurate output when weights are frozen.

rougier commented 7 years ago

PDF available from:

sje30 commented 7 years ago

Interesting project.

Have you contacted the authors of the original study yet to explain your problem?

x75 commented 7 years ago

hi, haven't precisely replicated all the experiments described in the paper but have played with the signal generation task using python. i remember that the matlab code for the FORCE paper helped a lot. i briefly fired up my code, it seems to do something, probably needs longer learning phase and some parameter tuning, see the gfx attached eh_siggen

ghost commented 7 years ago

This is consistent with what I've seen and I was not able to resolve it with a longer learning phase.

It appears that your target has a low frequency modulation. This could be because you're adding frequencies that are not integer multiples of each other (so you're getting a low frequency harmonic). This low frequency component makes the task much harder, I think. Could you try the same without the low frequency component? In the paper, they used: f(t)=(1.3/1.5)sin(2pit)+(1.3/3)sin(4pit)+(1.3/9)sin(6pit)+(1.3/3)sin(8pit) which has period 1

x75 commented 7 years ago

hey, thanks for poking me. you're right, non-integer freq relations of the sine components lead to longer periods. so, i ran it again using the original target function from the paper which you suggest. below are two experiments of lengths a) 100K timesteps (100s), and b) for 400K steps (400s). washout ratio is 0.1 and testing ratio is 0.2, so net training is length * 0.7. Also activated decaying \eta as in the original paper.

rescience_res_1000_mso4_train100000_c a) Running 100K steps, training 70K steps

rescience_res_1000_mso4_train400000_c b) Same as above but running over 400K/280K. Bottom panel is same as second from top only different zoom indicating long term stability.

Last one looks much better in it's freerunning approximation of the target while observing the expected global drift. Also freerunning seems stable over 80s (bottom).

rougier commented 7 years ago

I've been given some pointers related to this work:

x75 commented 7 years ago

@rougier thx for the pointers, need to check them out, also having the miconi paper somewhere on my stack.

anyway, finally managed to push the code that generated the plots above to the smp_base repo.

Adrianzo commented 6 years ago

I believe the actual label on this issue should be Machine Learning or Neural Networks