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[Re] On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers #53

Closed NishantPrabhu closed 2 years ago

NishantPrabhu commented 3 years ago

Original article: On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers by Jean-Baptiste Cordonnier, Andreas Loukas & Martin Jaggi, in proceedings of ICML 2020.

PDF URL: Reproducibility report Metadata URL: Metadata Code URL: Code

Scientific domain: Deep Learning
Programming language: Python Suggested editor: Nicolas P. Rougier (@rougier)

Dear all, This is a reproduction of the paper mentioned above, written with Mukund Varma (@mukundvarmat). The paper discusses the use of transformers and self-attention for vision tasks. We suggest Nicolas P. Rougier as the editor.

With warm regards, Nishant Prabhu

MukundVarmaT commented 2 years ago

@oliviaguest It's possible that the figures are very close to the margins (or going into it). Since we wanted to show a side-by-side comparison while still making it sufficiently legible, there was no other option. I am not able to figure out an alternative but we are open to suggestions.

oliviaguest commented 2 years ago

I think you could, if you wanted make the text bigger in your figures because regardless of the tiny amount they impinge on the margins, it's small.

NishantPrabhu commented 2 years ago

Hi @oliviaguest

Sorry for the delay. I have updated the PDF such that the images are now (seemingly) inside the margins. The link to the original post now points to the revised PDF. Please have a look and let me know if it works.

Thanks, Nishant.

MukundVarmaT commented 2 years ago

@oliviaguest Hi! Sorry to trouble you, when can we expect to complete the whole process? Thanks

oliviaguest commented 2 years ago

@MukundVarmaT it's August, I've been very ill for the past weeks unfortunately for me, and I'm about to start a new job Sep 1st, so I can't promise speed right now. But I will try on Monday. 😊

oliviaguest commented 2 years ago

@MukundVarmaT @NishantPrabhu OK, we are very close to publication, can you please do this, from

  1. Pull request just the metadata.yaml back to the author's repo (this will mean copying this file back to the author repo fork). Once the pull-request is merged, ask them to prepare a new article.pdf. The PDF will now contain the volume, article number and DOI.

NB, the published date... if you can get this back to me by next Friday that will be cool. Otherwise, I forget how we synchronize this, @rougier?

# To be filled by the author(s) at the time of submission
# -------------------------------------------------------

# Title of the article:
#  - For a successful replication, it should be prefixed with "[Re]"
#  - For a failed replication, it should be prefixed with "[¬Re]"
#  - For other article types, no instruction (but please, not too long)
title: "[Re] On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers"

# List of authors with name, orcid number, email and affiliation
# Affiliation "*" means contact author (required even for single-authored papers)
  - name: Mukund Varma
    orcid: 0000-0001-6480-3126
    affiliations: 1

  - name: Nishant Prabhu
    orcid: 0000-0001-8776-1993
    affiliations: 1,*      # * is for contact author

# List of affiliations with code (corresponding to author affiliations), name
# and address. You can also use these affiliations to add text such as "Equal
# contributions" as name (with no address).
  - code:    1
    name:    Indian Institute of Technology Madras
    address: Chennai, India

# List of keywords (adding the programming language might be a good idea)
keywords: rescience c, rescience x, python, pytorch, self-attention

# Code URL and DOI/SWH (url is mandatory for replication, doi after acceptance)
# You can get a DOI for your code from Zenodo, or an SWH identifier from
# Software Heritage.
#   see
  - url:
  - doi:
  - swh: swh:1:dir:6ab40b1686ee05bc3f9413ced6b1a84c6b203814

# Data URL and DOI (optional if no data)
  - url:
  - doi:

# Information about the original article that has been replicated
 - cite: "Jean-Baptiste Cordonnier and Andreas Loukas and Martin Jaggi.
   On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers.
   International Conference on Learning Representations." # Full textual citation
 - bib: # Bibtex key (if any) in your bibliography file
 - url: # URL to the PDF, try to link to a non-paywall version
 - doi:  # Regular digital object identifier

# Don't forget to surround abstract with double quotes
abstract: "In this report, we perform a detailed study on the paper 'On the Relationship between Self-Attention and Convolutional Layers', which provides theoretical and experimental evidence that self attention layers can behave like convolutional layers.
The proposed method does not obtain state-of-the-art performance but rather answers an interesting question - do self-attention layers process images in a similar manner to convolutional layers?
This has inspired many recent works which propose fully-attentional models for image recognition.
We focus on experimentally validating the claims of the original paper and our inferences from the results led us to propose a new variant of the attention operation - Hierarchical Attention.
The proposed method shows significantly improved performance with fewer parameters, hence validating our hypothesis.
To facilitate further study, all the code used in our experiments are publicly available here -"

# Bibliography file (yours)
bibliography: bibliography.bib

# Type of the article
# Type can be:
#  * Editorial
#  * Letter
#  * Replication
type: Editorial

# Scientific domain of the article (e.g. Computational Neuroscience)
#  (one domain only & try to be not overly specific)

# Coding language (main one only if several)
language: Python

# To be filled by the author(s) after acceptance
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# For example, the URL of the GitHub issue where review actually occured
  - url:

  - name: Olivia Guest
    orcid: 0000-0002-1891-0972
    role: editor
  - name: Nicholas Sexton
    orcid: 0000-0003-1236-1711
    role: reviewer
  - name: Xiaoliang (Ken) Luo
    orcid: 0000-0002-5297-2114
    role: reviewer

# This information will be provided by the editor
  - received:  03 April, 2021
  - accepted: 30 Jul, 2021
  - published: 27 Aug, 2021

# This information will be provided by the editor
  - number: 6 # Article number will be automatically assigned during publication
  - doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5217602   # DOI from Zenodo
  - url:   # Final PDF URL (Zenodo or rescience website?)

# This information will be provided by the editor
  - name:   "ReScience C"
  - issn:   2430-3658
  - volume: 7
  - issue:  1
MukundVarmaT commented 2 years ago

@oliviaguest Thank you for the update. I have updated article.pdf on the repository. I hope this will be alright?

oliviaguest commented 2 years ago

@otizonaizit, are you the right person to ask? Does anybody know how to fix this?

(base) ip-145-116-130-74:articles olivia$ ./ --sandbox --metadata metadata.yaml --pdf article.pdf
Uploading content to Zenodo... Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 204, in <module>
    upload_content(server, token, article_id, article_file)
  File "./", line 25, in upload_content
    raise IOError("%s: " % response.status_code + response.json()["message"])
OSError: 404: PID does not exist.
oliviaguest commented 2 years ago

Regardless, though: Done! How do we update the website?

khinsen commented 2 years ago

@oliviaguest The update is run by @rougier from time to time, by hand. One of the single-points-of-failure in our current workflow.

rougier commented 2 years ago

I'm a the bus factor! Well, actually you can dot it but I strongly encourage you to test it locally. I already broke it several times and I think Konrad broke it too at some point. Problem is jekyll / jekyll-scholar that only plays nicely with ruby 2.6 (via rbenv).

MukundVarmaT commented 2 years ago

@oliviaguest Hi Just wanted to confirm if all the formalities for publication are completed, and if there is anything else left to be done? Thanks

oliviaguest commented 2 years ago

@MukundVarmaT it looks good to me!