Fully fledged (HA) Kubernetes Cluster using official kubeadm, ansible and helm. Tested on RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu with support of http_proxy, dashboard installed, ingress controller, heapster - using official helm charts
Hello, I'm not sure to which all versions this applies, so i'm not sure if i can safely move the code block and make a MR, but i've noticed an issue
the all_install.yml playbook first deploys helm charts without namespaces
then waits long time for calico
then deploys helm charts with namespaces (including calico)
Hello, I'm not sure to which all versions this applies, so i'm not sure if i can safely move the code block and make a MR, but i've noticed an issue
the all_install.yml playbook first deploys helm charts without namespaces then waits long time for calico then deploys helm charts with namespaces (including calico)