ReSwift / ReSwift-Thunk

Thunk middleware for ReSwift.
MIT License
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Export ExpectThunk e.g. to Carthage #27

Open DivineDominion opened 5 years ago

DivineDominion commented 5 years ago

I noticed that ExpectThunk is only available as a Pod subspec.

Since I don't use CocoaPods, I'm stuck with copying the file. I wonder if it makes sense to add another framework target, e.g. ReSwiftThunkTesting, that exports this type. The RxSwift package is split into RxTesting and all the RxSwift parts as well, and sharing the scheme produces another framework that you can use during tests.

djsomen commented 3 years ago

Bump. I would also like to use ExpectThunk as a Cartharge dependency as we are using Rome caching.

DivineDominion commented 3 years ago

There's a SwiftPM target for this now at least.