ReVanced / revanced-patches

🧩 Patches for ReVanced
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SpoofWifi causes black screen and crash when wi-fi is disabled #1381

Closed PurpleTunic closed 1 year ago

PurpleTunic commented 1 year ago


Error at runtime

Bug description

Fresh install, first time install. Followed all of the appropriate steps. Android 12 LG Velvet, non-rooted. All recommended versions of APKs, everything that should be up to date is up to date. Patched the youtube apk with all patches except for debugging and hiding certain UI elements. App would consistently black screen for about 20 seconds, then crash. No screen ever appeared. Repeated 6 times. 7th time worked, the only change being that wifi was enabled on the device and connected. adb logs show the following repeated infinitely until the app crashed:

02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(Unknown Source:0) 02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.lambda$registerDefaultNetworkCallback$1( 02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.$r8$lambda$YPpdCidDTKU3al2lYw5d3YS74ac(Unknown Source:0) 02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$$ Source:14) 02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.networkCallback( 02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.-$$Nest$smnetworkCallback(Unknown Source:0) 02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime: at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(

Confirmed issue is with spoof wifi, as the attempted fix was to remove this patch from the patch list, and this has resolved the issue completely.

Steps to reproduce

Follow all of the steps on or the official discord guide. Make sure to select spoof wifi patch when selecting patches. Ensure that wifi is disabled on the device, then attempt to launch the app.

Relevant log output

02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(Unknown Source:0)
02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.lambda$registerDefaultNetworkCallback$1(
02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.$r8$lambda$YPpdCidDTKU3al2lYw5d3YS74ac(Unknown Source:0)
02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$$ Source:14)
02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.networkCallback(
02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.-$$Nest$smnetworkCallback(Unknown Source:0)
02-03 14:51:12.127 23507 23550 E AndroidRuntime:        at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(

Screenshots or videos

I have video if needed but it's not that interesting since it is a full black screen for 20 seconds then a crash. Please advise if this would be helpful to upload.


When following the steps from the ReVanced installation guide, make sure to de-select wifi spoofing patch. This resolves the error.

Additional context

Android 12 LG Velvet, non-rooted. All recommended versions of APKs, everything that should be up to date is up to date.


oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Please attach a full stack trace.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

My guess: infinite recursion happens in the class app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0 because this class does not start with Lapp/revanced/all/connectivity/wifi/spoof/SpoofWifiPatch. One way to fix this is to not use a lambda for the fallback, but to return a boolean whether the fallback should run. Not sure if there is a better way, but perhaps you have another idea @oSumAtrIX?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

We need the full stack trace. In the class LithoBlockRegister there is no reference which SpoofWifiPatch could patch out

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

In the class LithoBlockRegister there is no reference which SpoofWifiPatch could patch out

It will patch out invoke-virtual { p0, p1 }, Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;->registerDefaultNetworkCallback(Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager$NetworkCallback;)V in that class. Smali disassembler shows it, but FernFlower does not.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

The class LithoBlockRegister should not reference ConnectivityManager. My experience has been best with jadx, a Dex to Java decompiler.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Well, but it does reference it. And our integrations class calls this function in the LithoBlockRegister which ultimately leads to infinite recursion. I’m using the Bytecode Viewer application.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Can you link the line of code which has said reference?

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Here is the full smali disassembly of that class:

.class public final Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;

.method public static bridge m(Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager$NetworkCallback;)V
  .registers 2
    invoke-virtual { p0, p1 }, Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;->registerDefaultNetworkCallback(Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager$NetworkCallback;)V
.end method

.method public static bridge m(Ljava/util/ArrayList;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
  .registers 2
    invoke-virtual { p0, p1 }, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->forEach(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
.end method

And in our integrations class:

import app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister..ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0;


private static void lambda$registerDefaultNetworkCallback$1(ConnectivityManager var0, ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback var1) {
    ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(var0, var1);
oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

@Linus789 This is offtopic, but Bytecode Viewer uses Dex2Jar, which assembles back the Dalvik bytecode to Java, which is hacky. On the other hand, jadx integrates a native disassembler and many useful tools like renaming, finding references and more.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Interesting, thanks for the info.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

@Linus789 Here is the full dissassembly of the compiled class LithoBlockRegister from revanced-integrations:

###### Class app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister (app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister)
.class final Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source ""

# interfaces
.implements Ljava/lang/Iterable;

# annotations
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
    value = {
.end annotation

# instance fields
.field private final blocks:Ljava/util/ArrayList;
    .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
        value = {
    .end annotation
.end field

# direct methods
.method constructor <init>()V
    .registers 2

    .line 80
    invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V

    .line 81
    new-instance v0, Ljava/util/ArrayList;

    invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;-><init>()V

    iput-object v0, p0, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;->blocks:Ljava/util/ArrayList;

.end method

# virtual methods
.method public contains(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
    .registers 6
    .param p1, "path"    # Ljava/lang/String;

    .line 107
    invoke-virtual {p0}, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;->iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;

    move-result-object v0

    invoke-interface {v0}, Ljava/util/Iterator;->hasNext()Z

    move-result v1

    if-eqz v1, :cond_24

    invoke-interface {v0}, Ljava/util/Iterator;->next()Ljava/lang/Object;

    move-result-object v1

    check-cast v1, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;

    .line 108
    .local v1, "rule":Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;
    invoke-virtual {v1}, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;->isEnabled()Z

    move-result v2

    if-nez v2, :cond_17

    goto :goto_4

    .line 110
    invoke-virtual {v1, p1}, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;->check(Ljava/lang/String;)Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule$BlockResult;

    move-result-object v2

    .line 111
    .local v2, "result":Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule$BlockResult;
    invoke-virtual {v2}, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule$BlockResult;->isBlocked()Z

    move-result v3

    if-eqz v3, :cond_23

    .line 112
    const/4 v0, 0x1

    return v0

    .line 114
    .end local v1    # "rule":Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;
    .end local v2    # "result":Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule$BlockResult;
    goto :goto_4

    .line 116
    const/4 v0, 0x0

    return v0
.end method

.method public forEach(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
    .registers 3
    .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
        value = {
    .end annotation

    .line 96
    .local p1, "action":Ljava/util/function/Consumer;, "Ljava/util/function/Consumer<-Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;>;"
    iget-object v0, p0, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;->blocks:Ljava/util/ArrayList;

    invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->forEach(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V

    .line 97
.end method

.method public iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;
    .registers 2
    .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
        value = {
    .end annotation

    .line 90
    iget-object v0, p0, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;->blocks:Ljava/util/ArrayList;

    invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;

    move-result-object v0

    return-object v0
.end method

.method public varargs registerAll([Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;)V
    .registers 4
    .param p1, "blocks"    # [Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/BlockRule;

    .line 84
    iget-object v0, p0, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;->blocks:Ljava/util/ArrayList;

    invoke-static {p1}, Ljava/util/Arrays;->asList([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;

    move-result-object v1

    invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->addAll(Ljava/util/Collection;)Z

    .line 85
.end method

.method public spliterator()Ljava/util/Spliterator;
    .registers 2
    .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
        value = {
    .end annotation

    .line 103
    iget-object v0, p0, Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister;->blocks:Ljava/util/ArrayList;

    invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->spliterator()Ljava/util/Spliterator;

    move-result-object v0

    return-object v0
.end method

No reference to ConnectivityManager can be found. Maybe your disassembly is after patching and thus caused by the patch?

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

This is the smali I got from jadx:

###### Class app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0 (app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0)
.class public final synthetic Lapp/revanced/integrations/patches/LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "R8$$SyntheticClass"

# direct methods
.method public static bridge synthetic m(Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager$NetworkCallback;)V
    .registers 2

    invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager;->registerDefaultNetworkCallback(Landroid/net/ConnectivityManager$NetworkCallback;)V

.end method

.method public static bridge synthetic m(Ljava/util/ArrayList;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
    .registers 2

    invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ljava/util/ArrayList;->forEach(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V

.end method

And I’m using the .apk that has been created by integrations, so no patches have been applied.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

The difference: I’m using LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0 and you use LithoBlockRegister.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

That is odd. Said (compiler autogenerated) class does not exist in the dex file of revanced-integrations:


Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Are you using this file?

d4rkk3y commented 1 year ago

I guess this issue come from R8. I added -printmapping to and get this mapping file. mapping.txt As you can see in line 710, method app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$$InternalSyntheticApiModelOutline$1$d379d1458b2457da6ca3cd27e0b559adbdecd343e6583d8baad3bf6e1f08ee86$0.m was moved to LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m I guess change this to false should solve the issue. But I am not sure disable it is a good idea.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for the info @d4rkk3y.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

@d4rkk3y That woild explain it. Though instead of didabling minification alltogether, does an annotation for classes exist from ProGuard to prevent any change to them?

d4rkk3y commented 1 year ago

@oSumAtrIX I thought this already keep all class in package name. But it didn't work with lambda. I found out that add -dontoptimize to will fix the issue too. So I guess the problem is R8 optimization. I found this, but I haven't known which one produce the issue yet.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

But it didn't work with lambda.

The compiler generates this class in the same package this excludes. The debug build of revanced-integration does not contain the class LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.

The class in release build reveals compiled from R8$$SyntheticClass. The question is, why does R8 move the code to this class?

d4rkk3y commented 1 year ago

The class in release build reveals compiled from R8$$SyntheticClass. The question is, why does R8 move the code to this class?

I guess that happened as a type of optimization. But I don't know what happened exactly. I guess skimming R8 source code is a final option which is hard for me.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

An alternative solution is for the patch to ignore the integrations completely.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

This seems to help:

-keepclassmembernames class ** {
    synthetic *** *(...);

Perhaps it is possible to only exclude revanced lambdas?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Seems like -keepclassmembernames requires the class specification, which does not have any specification for lambdas

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

In that case how about adding the snippet to the proguard config as is?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Because it's a workaround and not a fix, adding it causes the unintended side effect of disabling this setting for synthetic methods just for the sake of a patch. Imo the patch should involve a fix for the integrations and not the other way round.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

What are the disadvantages of disabling this setting for synthetic methods?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Depends on what ProGuard does to them.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Well, the alternative to ignore the integrations completely is also just a workaround, since the spoof wifi patch will then ignore other patches, which it shouldn’t.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

The fix would be to ignore applying the ProGuard settings to the patch class. That way, only for spoof-wifi this option to disable the ProGuard setting is applied. Alternatively, your patch can dynamically analyse its class methods and build a list of methods it should whitelist from patching.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

The fix would be to ignore applying the ProGuard settings to the patch class. That way, only for spoof-wifi this option to disable the ProGuard setting is applied.

I don’t know ProGuard that well. Could you help with that?

Alternatively, your patch can dynamically analyse its class methods and build a list of methods it should whitelist from patching.

I don’t think that’s a good and reliable solution.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

I believe you can set the name in the class specification:

-keepclassmembernames class SpoofWifiPatch {
    synthetic *** *(...);
Linus789 commented 1 year ago

I believe you can set the name in the class specification:

-keepclassmembernames class SpoofWifiPatch {
    synthetic *** *(...);

Doesn’t seem to work for me.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

One way to fix this is to not use a lambda for the fallback, but to return a boolean whether the fallback should run.

Another workaround that doesn’t solve the root problem would be my first suggestion. What do you think of that?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

I believe you can set the name in the class specification:

-keepclassmembernames class SpoofWifiPatch {
    synthetic *** *(...);

Doesn’t seem to work for me.

Did you use the correct name? Are those methods synthetic?

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Did you use the correct name? Are those methods synthetic?

I just copied your snippet. I don’t know why it doesn’t work. Does the snippet work for you?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

No, I gave it a suggestion, you have to put in the correct class name as well other matching attributes like the method modifier if you want to exclude methods with specific modifiers.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago


-keepclassmembernames class **SpoofWifiPatch** {
    synthetic *** *(...);


-keepclassmembernames class ** {
    synthetic *** *SpoofWifiPatch*(...);

work. Therefore, I suggest to remove the lambas in the patch like I stated in my first proposal. Are you okay with that?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

The motivation to remove the lambda should not be driven by the fact that ProGuard messes with it. It is required to fix this issue on ProGuard's side and not work around ProGuard on the side of the integrations.

Maybe the class LithoBlockRegister has to be specified with -keepclassmembernames?

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

The motivation to remove the lambda should not be driven by the fact that ProGuard messes with it. It is required to fix this issue on ProGuard's side and not work around ProGuard on the side of the integrations.

Sure, I can agree with that. But changing the ProGuard rules for every patch that doesn’t want to modify their integrations lambdas seems like a workaround as well. Using

-keepclassmembernames class ** {
    synthetic *** *(...);

would work, but we might lose some ProGuard optimizations (though I’m not too sure, if losing these optimizations would impact the application at all).

Maybe the class LithoBlockRegister has to be specified with -keepclassmembernames?

I’m not too sure if that is a reliable way. Can we be sure the name LithoBlockRegister will never change in the future?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

I was only able to keep class member names with

-keepclassmembernames class ** {

I was not able to specify the class name like you. Further research on ProGuard has to be done to find out why in order to only specify the class in question.

I have tried specifying LithoBlockRegister but unfortunately that also didn't work. A solution off the top of my head would be to annoate the class and then specify the annotation in the class spec in the ProGuard configuration file.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

I was not able to specify the class name like you.

I haven’t been able to specify a class name either.

Further research on ProGuard has to be done to find out why in order to only specify the class in question.

Yes, but there is no guarantee that we will have a better solution afterwards. I don’t want to invest too much time into this issue.

A solution off the top of my head would be to annoate the class and then specify the annotation in the class spec in the ProGuard configuration file.

If it works, I’m not opposed to it. I’m not too sure that it will work, since specifying SpoofWifiPatch as class name didn’t work either. Did you already try that solution?

aaronjamt commented 1 year ago

Not sure if this is related but when installing with nonroot I only see the Vanced logo with a black background. ADB Logcat shows the following stack trace which just keeps repeating:

E YouTube : Background Thread Uncaught Exception, log serverside
E YouTube : java.lang.StackOverflowError: stack size 1039KB
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.activeWifiNetwork(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.networkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.-$$Nest$smnetworkCallback(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.lambda$registerDefaultNetworkCallback$1(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.$r8$lambda$YPpdCidDTKU3al2lYw5d3YS74ac(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$$ Source:14)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.networkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.-$$Nest$smnetworkCallback(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.lambda$registerDefaultNetworkCallback$1(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.$r8$lambda$YPpdCidDTKU3al2lYw5d3YS74ac(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$$ Source:14)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.networkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.-$$Nest$smnetworkCallback(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.integrations.patches.LithoBlockRegister$$ExternalSyntheticApiModelOutline0.m(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.lambda$registerDefaultNetworkCallback$1(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.$r8$lambda$YPpdCidDTKU3al2lYw5d3YS74ac(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$$ Source:14)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.networkCallback(
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch$Utils.-$$Nest$smnetworkCallback(Unknown Source:0)
E YouTube :     at app.revanced.all.connectivity.wifi.spoof.SpoofWifiPatch.registerDefaultNetworkCallback(

This happens whether WiFi is on but disconnected or off, although it works when WiFi is on and connected.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

@aaronjamt Yes, this is what this issue is about.

@oSumAtrIX Do you already have a resolution on how to proceed?

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

I am not sure. The following works, but it is not practicable, not sure how to proceed.

-keepclassmembernames class ** {
Linus789 commented 1 year ago

The following also works

-keepclassmembernames class ** {
    synthetic *** *(...);

and restricts it to only synthetic methods at least.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately also unpractical, as it would affect all compiler generated methods. It is odd that the wildcard for the class name does not work.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

Could I at least create a PR with a workaround for now? You can revert the change when you have found a better solution.

oSumAtrIX commented 1 year ago

Can the method name be specified as a workaround for now? Make sure, both the code and PR are well documented with all reference which might be required in the future.

Linus789 commented 1 year ago

I wanted to use this as a workaround:

One way to fix this is to not use a lambda for the fallback, but to return a boolean whether the fallback should run.

Is that ok for you?