ReVanced / revanced-patches

🧩 Patches for ReVanced
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.9k stars 217 forks source link

bug(YouTube Music): Issue with latest version 6.51.52, patch is successful, but app does not work. #3142

Closed NASAModded closed 1 month ago

NASAModded commented 1 month ago

Bug description

The bug is either due to outdated patches, or the newer version being unstable. Step 1: Acquire latest YouTube Music apk. Step 2: Patch with every patches except Permanent shuffle and Permanent repeat. Step 3: Patch is successful, install. Step 4: Music does not play. Uninstall, and reinstall the patched apk separately. This time it closes every time on startup.

Error logs

There were no error logs as the patch worked, but the bug occurred once the app was being used.



Additional context

As I said, I tried clearing cache. This time I got blackscreened. Then I uninstalled completely and saved the patched YT Music apk, once installed it crashes on startup with no fix.


cyberboh commented 1 month ago Do a search before making a bug reports

cyberboh commented 1 month ago

3070 Do a search before making a bug reports

I searched the version and couldn't find any.

At least search about YT Music , the results should appear. Then #3070 is a match and the version starting 6.48.51 and up will be affected.