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Update dependency org.springframework:spring-core to v4 - autoclosed #21

Closed dev-mend-for-github-com[bot] closed 1 month ago

dev-mend-for-github-com[bot] commented 1 year ago

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
org.springframework:spring-core compile major 3.1.1.RELEASE -> 4.3.14.RELEASE

By merging this PR, the issue #19 will be automatically resolved and closed:

Severity CVSS Score CVE Reachability
Medium Medium 5.3 CVE-2014-3578


Medium Medium 5.3 CVE-2018-1199


Release Notes

spring-projects/spring-framework (org.springframework:spring-core) ### [`v4.3.14.RELEASE`]( 4.3.14 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Reduce access on user in SimpleBrokerMessageHandler.handleMessageInternal \[SPR-16264] [#​20811]( - config.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "/queue"); Should be config.enableSimpleBroker("/topic", "queue"); \[SPR-16275] [#​20822]( - Allow to inject enum with package visibility \[SPR-16284] [#​20831]( - Improve performance of some string operations \[SPR-16293] [#​20840]( - ComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser::parseTypeFilters should not fail on ClassNotFoundException \[SPR-16356] [#​20903]( - Use ArrayList instead of LinkedList for known size \[SPR-16378] [#​20924]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - Error in RestTemplate when setting the same HTTP header through ClientHttpRequestInterceptor and HttpEntity \[SPR-15066] [#​19632]( - Combining `@Retryable` and `@Scheduled`/`@JmsListener` doesn't work \[SPR-16196] [#​20744]( - Exception when receiving Long collection in MessageMapping \[SPR-16252] [#​20799]( - NPE in FunctionReference due to race condition in SpelExpression.getValue() \[SPR-16255] [#​20802]( - spring-web CORS requires X-Forwarded-Port \[SPR-16262] [#​20809]( - Stomp Broker Relay may ignore configured destination prefixes \[SPR-16265] [#​20812]( - Embedded cglib 3.2.5 not closing input streams that read class files \[SPR-16267] [#​20814]( - BeanUtils.isSimpleValueType() returns false for enums overriding a method \[SPR-16278] [#​20825]( - Unnecessary file system access in SimpleMetadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader \[SPR-16281] [#​20828]( - Ambiguous mapping error when using generic interface \[SPR-16288] [#​20835]( - Programmatic creation of caching proxies using CacheProxyFactoryBean does not work \[SPR-16295] [#​20842]( - Access-Control-Allow-Origin header returns wrong value using SockJS \[SPR-16304] [#​20851]( - Large transaction timeout value (Integer.MAX_VALUE for example) results in transaction expiring immediately after starting. \[SPR-16316] [#​20863]( - `@JmsListener` concurrency property is ignored if DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory#concurrency is set \[SPR-16338] [#​20885]( - JMS Producers are cached even when the destination is a temporary queue causing a memory leak \[SPR-16353] [#​20900]( - TestExecutionListener class not found logged at INFO \[SPR-16369] [#​20916]( - EclipseLink does not log SQL parameters when using showSql \[SPR-16383] [#​20929]( - RestTemplate.ResponseEntityResponseExtractor doesn't tolerate unknown status codes \[SPR-16371] [#​20918]( - MockClientHttpResponse should not return null body \[SPR-16367] [#​20914]( - Null path after UriComponents.normalize() results in NullPointerException \[SPR-16364] [#​20911]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - Incorrect SpEL syntax in reference documentation \[SPR-16315] [#​20862]( ### [`v4.3.13.RELEASE`]( 4.3.13 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Prevent WebSocket buffer overflow through application-level flow control \[SPR-16089] [#​20638]( - SchedulingConfigurer and JmsListenerConfigurer should respect `@Order` \[SPR-16090] [#​20639]( - Avoid temporary String creation in StringUtils.starts/endsWithIgnoreCase \[SPR-16095] [#​20644]( - Make JpaVendorAdapters JTA-aware (in particular for Hibernate 5.1/5.2) \[SPR-16162] [#​20710]( - Reduce access on headers for STOMP messaging \[SPR-16165] [#​20713]( - spring-jdbc : Improve memory allocations when substituting named parameters. \[SPR-16170] [#​20718]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - Checkbox/RadioButton incorrectly converts collections of enums with a custom converter \[SPR-16082] [#​20631]( - `@ModelAttribute` binding defined globally for particular attribute rather than per method invocation \[SPR-16083] [#​20632]( - WebSphereUowTransactionManager swallows original exception when commit fails for another reason \[SPR-16102] [#​20650]( - Incorrectly identify bridged method on interface \[SPR-16103] [#​20651]( - PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver returns duplicate resources when using classpath\* prefix \[SPR-16117] [#​20665]( - SpEL method invocation with varargs on proxy \[SPR-16122] [#​20670]( - AbstractRequestExpectationManager fails with "Expectations already declared" when ResponseCreator.createResponse throws an exception \[SPR-16132] [#​20680]( - MockHttpServletRequest with Host: set builds wrong getRequestURL() \[SPR-16138] [#​20686]( - ClassPathResource.createRelative is using wrong ClassPathResource constructor for the returned resource \[SPR-16146] [#​20694]( - Early ApplicationContext close call may lead to ApplicationEventMulticaster/LifecycleProcessor access exception \[SPR-16149] [#​20697]( - When using NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, NVARCHAR or NCLOB(4000 characters or less) columns are not properly populated since StatementCreatorUtils does setString for these types instead of setNString. \[SPR-16154] [#​20702]( - MockHttpServletResponse.getDateHeader fails with NPE for non-existing header \[SPR-16160] [#​20708]( - NumberFormatException caused by property paths from JSR-303 based validation with no index into a collection \[SPR-16177] [#​20725]( - Wrong byte code for compiled SpEL when JDK proxy method invocation is used \[SPR-16191] [#​20739]( - DefaultResponseErrorHandler.hasError doesn't tolerate unknown status codes \[SPR-16108] [#​20656]( - setArguments(null) on MethodInvoker no longer coerces null to Object\[0] \[SPR-16075] [#​20624]( - RequestMapping method returning Future with null result causes NullPointerException \[SPR-16072] [#​20621]( - WebAsyncManager concurrency issue with SseEmitter when client disconnect \[SPR-16058] [#​20607]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - Improve documentation of lite configuration mode \[SPR-16076] [#​20625]( - Clarify Bean destroyMethod documentation \[SPR-16078] [#​20627]( - Incorrect SpEL example in reference documentation \[SPR-16111] [#​20659]( - End of first-class JDK 6 support \[SPR-16185] [#​20733]( ### [`v4.3.12.RELEASE`]( 4.3.12 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Add convenient method to construct ParameterizedTypeReference from Type \[SPR-16054] [#​20603]( - Backport s/s/m/j/o/s/m/w/ from 5.x to 4.3.x \[SPR-15854] [#​20409]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - Request params Optional\ and List are inconsistent \[SPR-15676] [#​20235]( - java.util.Optional MultipartFile\[] `@RequestParam` argument is null in multipart/form-data POST \[SPR-15918] [#​20472]( - only one MultipartFile object populated when using an java.util.Optional MutipartFile array or list `@RequestParam` \[SPR-15919] [#​20473]( - HttpEntityMethodProcessor discards headers \[SPR-15952] [#​20504]( - TaskExecutorRegistration.getTaskExecutor() overrides executor properties of a provided ThreadPoolTaskExecutor \[SPR-15962] [#​20514]( - JmsMessagingTemplate is not correctly configured \[SPR-15965] [#​20517]( - ChannelRegistration.setInterceptors is misnamed \[SPR-15976] [#​20527]( - RestTemplate doesn't consistently tolerate unknown HTTP status codes \[SPR-15978] [#​20529]( - PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver provides duplicate resources when using classpath\* prefix combined with ant-style \[SPR-15989] [#​20539]( - Spring EL does not allow '\0' characters \[SPR-16032] [#​20581]( - sort BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessors added by other BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessors \[SPR-16043] [#​20592]( - SpelExpression throws NullPointerException instead of EvaluationException for primitives \[SPR-16123] [#​20671]( ### [`v4.3.11.RELEASE`]( 4.3.11 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - `@Lazy` collection of optional elements should not crash when no candidates are found \[SPR-15858] [#​20413]( - WebAsyncManager should cancel task thread on timeout \[SPR-15852] [#​20407]( - Consistent logging in Environment and PropertySource implementations \[SPR-15825] [#​20380]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - StompDecoder Logs Null Session IDs for Heartbeats \[SPR-15937] [#​20491]( - Error on type argument constraint validation failure \[SPR-15916] [#​20470]( - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException from RestTemplate.doExecute IOException handler when query string is empty \[SPR-15900] [#​20454]( - SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor not respect ConcurrencyThrottleSupport.NO_CONCURRENCY limit \[SPR-15895] [#​20449]( - Should call getNativeResponse() instead of getNativeRequest() in FrameworkServlet \[SPR-15867] [#​20422]( - Unable to use Hibernate Validator 4.3.2 if Bean Validation API 1.1 is on the classpath \[SPR-15856] [#​20411]( - SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster does not deal with lambda-defined listeners when ErrorHandler is set \[SPR-15838] [#​20393]( - spring-aspects should remain on AspectJ 1.8.9 by default (since aspectjrt 1.8.10 requires Java 7+) \[SPR-15836] [#​20391]( - Parameter values are null when making a PUT request \[SPR-15828] [#​20383]( - Follow-up: AbstractMethodError when calling validated method of MethodValidationPostProcessor is using a `@Lazy` validator \[SPR-15807] [#​20362]( - Logs fill with broken pipe when using SockJS \[SPR-15802] [#​20357]( - Invalid WARN when returning a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor from within a `@Configuration` class \[SPR-14603] [#​19172]( ### [`v4.3.10.RELEASE`]( 4.3.10 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Ignore (Auto)Closeable for interface-based proxy decision \[SPR-15779] [#​20334]( - Bean factory method collision with configuration class name gives unclear error message \[SPR-15775] [#​20330]( - CustomizableTraceInterceptor should allow INVOCATION_TIME placeholder in setExceptionMessage and make stack trace logging configurable \[SPR-15763] [#​20318]( - LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap cannot access locale from subclass \[SPR-15752] [#​20307]( - ForwardedHeaderFilter should expose option for not converting relative redirects to absolute ones \[SPR-15717] [#​20273]( - AbstractValueAdaptingCache does not allow for flexible null value serialization \[SPR-15693] [#​20252]( - Fine-tune HTTP/RMI Invoker exception handling \[SPR-15684] [#​20243]( - Support CachingHttpAsyncClient from httpasyncclient-cache in HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory \[SPR-15664] [#​20223]( - Cron expression validation method in CronSequenceGenerator improved \[SPR-15604] [#​20163]( - Upgrade to Objenesis 2.6 for Google App Engine Standard on Java 8 and for better JDK 9 support \[SPR-15600] [#​20159]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - UriUtils.extractFileExtension() does not properly handle all fragments \[SPR-15786] [#​20341]( - PropertyOrFieldReference invalidly reuses cached PropertyAccessor \[SPR-15769] [#​20324]( - ClassCastException during deserialization of ScopedObject \[SPR-15766] [#​20321]( - AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter throws exception if log level is ERROR \[SPR-15760] [#​20315]( - ReflectionTestUtils accidentally requires spring-aop on the classpath \[SPR-15757] [#​20312]( - MockMvc duplicates PUT Parameter value \[SPR-15753] [#​20308]( - JSP tags doesn't pick up JSTL-defined time zone at page level \[SPR-15746] [#​20302]( - JMS Integration with Tibco causes deadlock while using DefaultMessageListenerContainer \[SPR-15738] [#​20294]( - Memory Leak due to not pruning factoryBeanObjectCache when closing the ApplicationContext \[SPR-15722] [#​20278]( - WebAsyncManager is not compatible with the crosscontext mode \[SPR-15709] [#​20266]( - Netty4ClientHttpRequest does not include port along with host \[SPR-15706] [#​20263]( - `@EventListener`'s 'condition' doesn't work as expected with proxied beans \[SPR-15678] [#​20237]( - SimpleRequestExpectationManager fails with sequential calls with different count \[SPR-15672] [#​20231]( ### [`v4.3.9.RELEASE`]( 4.3.9 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - ForwardedHeaderFilter should provide option to "remove" forwarded headers without using them \[SPR-15610] [#​20169]( - Optimize DefaultUserDestinationResolver.resolveDestination() \[SPR-15602] [#​20161]( - Inefficient use of keySet operators in messaging classes \[SPR-15553] [#​20112]( - Increase log level in ExceptionWebSocketHandlerDecorator \[SPR-15537] [#​20096]( - UriComponentsBuilder's fromHttpRequest uses server port as host port when handling the Forwarded header \[SPR-15504] [#​20063]( - Also clear SerializableTypeWrapper when ResolvableType cache is cleared \[SPR-15503] [#​20062]( - Defer StringHttpMessageConverter Charset.availableCharsets() call \[SPR-15502] [#​20061]( - Allow for HttpOnly cookie result matcher \[SPR-15488] [#​20048]( - Add getTargetCache to TransactionAwareCacheDecorator \[SPR-15479] [#​20039]( - Optimize AntPathMatcher when checking for potential matches \[SPR-15477] [#​20037]( - Lazily initialize Environment in GenericFilterBean (aligned with HttpServletBean) \[SPR-15469] [#​20029]( - Honor `@Autowired`(required=false) at parameter level, as an alternative to java.util.Optional \[SPR-15268] [#​19833]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - AbstractMethodError when calling validated method of MethodValidationPostProcessor is using a `@Lazy` validator \[SPR-15629] [#​20188]( - Poor diagnostics when Jackson cannot deserialise an application/json payload due to a missing deserialiser \[SPR-15582] [#​20141]( - Consistently accept "taskExecutor" bean of type Executor (as stated in `@EnableAsync`'s javadoc) \[SPR-15566] [#​20125]( - LocalValidatorFactoryBean does not support unwrap for native ValidatorFactory \[SPR-15561] [#​20120]( - Multipart range requests leave file handles open \[SPR-15559] [#​20118]( - o/s/mail/javamail mime.types has duplicate image/jpeg entries \[SPR-15557] [#​20116]( - ResourceUtils.extractArchiveURL fails to work under Tomcat 8.0.41 with unpackWARs=false \[SPR-15556] [#​20115]( - o/s/mail/javamail mime.types PNG mapped to image/x-png \[SPR-15546] [#​20105]( - DefaultSubscriptionRegistry should prevent duplicate subscription id in accessCache \[SPR-15543] [#​20102]( - WebJarsResourceResolver: multiple matches in case of multiple files with the same name in the same webjar \[SPR-15526] [#​20085]( - HandlerExecutionChain toString() may miss interceptors \[SPR-15525] [#​20084]( - "Not a setter" exception cannot be be thrown in \[SPR-15507] [#​20066]( - AbstractFlashMapManager.isFlashMapForRequest does not inspect forwarded request coherently \[SPR-15505] [#​20064]( - Deceptive error message in Spring Test ModelResultMatchers \[SPR-15487] [#​20047]( - Last modified check of Resource created from Tomcat war:file: URL fails with FileNotFoundException \[SPR-15485] [#​20045]( - AnnotationUtils.getValue() may hide relevant errors \[SPR-15481] [#​20041]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - Improve docs around the use of "Forwarded" and "X-Forwarded-\*" headers \[SPR-15612] [#​20171]( - What's new section in 4.3.x reference should have introductory paragraphs \[SPR-15585] [#​20144]( - Doc: Typo in ResponseBodyAdvice class description \[SPR-15466] [#​20026]( ### [`v4.3.8.RELEASE`]( 4.3.8 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Make SessionLocaleResolver's attribute name configurable \[SPR-15450] [#​20011]( - Add constructor to ShadowingClassLoader to create an instance without default excludes \[SPR-15439] [#​20000]( - Improve performance of StringUtils.replace() if pattern is not found \[SPR-15430] [#​19991]( - Revise AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver default locale handling \[SPR-15426] [#​19987]( - Minimize reflective interaction with annotation instances during retrieval \[SPR-15387] [#​19950]( - Spring JDBC not correctly processing Postgresql ?| and ?& operator \[SPR-15382] [#​19945]( - Make it easier to see the HTTP headers when debugging MockMvc-based tests \[SPR-15375] [#​19939]( - GenericCallMetaDataProvider should not treat 'NULLABLE' column as boolean (for compatibility with latest Postgres driver) \[SPR-15333] [#​19896]( - DefaultResponseErrorHandler should have its methods protected \[SPR-15329] [#​19892]( - JRubyScriptFactory compatibility with JRuby 9.1.7+ \[SPR-15322] [#​19885]( - Support for HtmlUnit 2.25+ \[SPR-15319] [#​19882]( - Support for `@Lookup` methods within `@Configuration` classes \[SPR-15316] [#​19879]( - sockjs heartbeat failure logged at ERROR level \[SPR-15307] [#​19871]( - Session-scoped bean should have its state propagated to the HttpSession at the end of its initial request (even without further access) \[SPR-15300] [#​19865]( - StandardMultipartFile.transferTo should fall back to manual copy if Part.write doesn't support absolute locations (e.g. on Jetty) \[SPR-15257] [#​19822]( - Avoid re-retrieval of `@ResponseStatus` annotation for each request \[SPR-15227] [#​19792]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - ApplicationListener potentially invoked twice in circular reference with proxy \[SPR-15452] [#​20013]( - When setting spring.freemarker.template-loader-path to an s3 bucket, the SpringTemplateLoader is not selected \[SPR-15445] [#​20006]( - AbstractRecursiveAnnotationVisitor can't access a package protected enum value \[SPR-15442] [#​20003]( - UnknownHostException not accepted as "resource not found" anymore \[SPR-15433] [#​19994]( - ForwardedHeaderFilter.ForwardedHeaderRequestWrapper does not preserve ; \[SPR-15428] [#​19989]( - ForwardedHeaderRequestWrapper should return a new StringBuffer instance on each invocation of the getRequestURL method \[SPR-15423] [#​19984]( - ForwardedHeaderFilter.ForwardedHeaderRequestWrapper does not preserve encoding of requestURI \[SPR-15422] [#​19983]( - UrlResource getFilename should not contain query parameters \[SPR-15411] [#​19974]( - SettableListenableFuture setException is inconsistent with callbacks under race \[SPR-15409] [#​19972]( - NullPointerException can happen in HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException.getSupportedHttpMethods() \[SPR-15377] [#​19941]( - VersionResourceResolver does not delegate path resolution to the chain \[SPR-15372] [#​19936]( - PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver fails to work under Tomcat 8.0.41 with unpackWARs=false \[SPR-15332] [#​19895]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - Cache Abstraction: Improve unless condition with optional \[SPR-15449] [#​20010]( - SpEL examples in chapter "Cache Abstraction" \[SPR-15448] [#​20009]( - \[doc] Update `@ControllerAdvice` Javadoc to discuss ordering \[SPR-15432] [#​19993]( ### [`v4.3.7.RELEASE`]( 4.3.7 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Skip transaction/caching metadata retrieval for java.lang.Object methods \[SPR-15296] [#​19861]( - MessageHeaderAccessor's MutableMessageHeaders should be serializable \[SPR-15262] [#​19827]( - Consistently support CompletionStage next to CompletableFuture \[SPR-15258] [#​19823]( - Database.SQL_SERVER should set more recent Hibernate dialect with Spring 4.3.x \[SPR-15255] [#​19820]( - Allow configuring the ContentNegotiationManager in MockMVC standalone controller setup \[SPR-15248] [#​19813]( - DefaultSubscriptionRegistry should prevent duplicate Subscriptions per subscription id \[SPR-15229] [#​19794]( - Log failures to load PropertySources when ignoreResourceNotFound = true \[SPR-15218] [#​19783]( - Support for read-only transactions with Oracle 12c JDBC driver \[SPR-15210] [#​19774]( - TransactionSynchronizationManager - throw an Exception or log a warning if a Synchronization wants to add a Synchronization and afterCompletion is already called \[SPR-11590] [#​16214]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - `@Configuration` processing fails to handle AbstractFactoryBean.getObject() calls \[SPR-15275] [#​19840]( - HEAD response has "Content-Length: 0" for `@RestController` `@GetMapping` methods \[SPR-15261] [#​19826]( - RestTemplate with MockMvcClientHttpRequestFactory double encodes URIs \[SPR-15254] [#​19819]( - RestTemplate with Netty produces two Content-Length headers \[SPR-15241] [#​19806]( - MockHttpServletRequest.protocol default should be "HTTP/1.1", not "http" \[SPR-15232] [#​19797]( - DispatcherServlet's multipart request parsing fails during Jetty error dispatch \[SPR-15231] [#​19796]( - SettableListenableFuture may be successfully set with failureCallback executed and success callback ignored \[SPR-15216] [#​19781]( - MockHttpServletRequest.getReader() returns null in case of no content \[SPR-15215] [#​19780]( - Principal check in ServletRequestMethodArgumentResolver can result in type mismatches \[SPR-15214] [#​19779]( - HTTP Response should not contain both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length headers \[SPR-15212] [#​19776]( - SettableListenableFuture may be both set and canceled successfully \[SPR-15202] [#​19766]( - Spring does not clean up db connection registered in afterCompletion callback \[SPR-15194] [#​19759]( - SpelCompiler VerifyError - Incompatible argument to function \[SPR-15192] [#​19758]( - If backing Cache is down `@CacheResult` does not seamlessly call method (in contrast to `@Cacheable`) \[SPR-15188] [#​19754]( - InterceptingClientHttpRequest replaces headers set in request factory instead of merging them \[SPR-15166] [#​19732]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - CronSequenceGenerator examples in documentation are incorrect \[SPR-15240] [#​19805]( ### [`v4.3.6.RELEASE`]( 4.3.6 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - CookieLocaleResolver may disturb error rendering when locale cookie has a malformed value \[SPR-15182] [#​19748]( - Tolerate null return from getNegotiatedExtensions (for Jetty 9.4.1 compatibility) \[SPR-15180] [#​19746]( - DispatcherServet.checkMultipart() does not consider javax.servlet.error.exception that has a MultipartException cause \[SPR-15178] [#​19744]( - Scheduled/JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor free heap space \[SPR-15175] [#​19741]( - MockRestServiceServer should allow for an expectation to never occur. \[SPR-15168] [#​19734]( - MockSessionCookieConfig#maxAge defaults to 0 instead of -1 \[SPR-15142] [#​19708]( - org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.InvocableHandlerMethod should not mention "controller" \[SPR-15139] [#​19705]( - MockHttpServletRequestBuilder should support multiple locales \[SPR-15116] [#​19683]( - Add MimeType and MediaType constants for RSS \[SPR-15109] [#​19676]( - Update MySQLMaxValueIncrementer to not rely on MYISAM \[SPR-15107] [#​19674]( - Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory should use SNI for TLS connections \[SPR-15101] [#​19668]( - Unable to specify factory bean in BeanDefinitionBuilder \[SPR-15098] [#​19665]( - Clarify WebContentInterceptor path mappings and efficiently match them \[SPR-15096] [#​19663]( - Improve performance of StringUtils.capitalize() \[SPR-15094] [#​19661]( - Implement MessagingException.toString() \[SPR-15091] [#​19657]( - GenericTableMetaDataProvider could use non standard named TableMeta-Schema if only one found \[SPR-15090] [#​19656]( - Remove String#toCharArray from ScriptUtils \[SPR-15075] [#​19641]( - Track bean dependencies for calls between `@Bean` methods within `@Configuration` classes \[SPR-15069] [#​19635]( - xml websockets configuration does not mirror annotation configuration \[SPR-15068] [#​19634]( - SchedulingConfigurer's ScheduledTaskRegistrar should reliably shut down before TaskScheduler \[SPR-15067] [#​19633]( - Backport streamlined ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner setup \[SPR-15061] [#​19627]( - Remove unused Log object from MessageHeaderAccessor \[SPR-15045] [#​19611]( - Backward compatibility: initDefaultStrategies() is no longer invoked on subclasses of "MessageListenerAdapter" \[SPR-15043] [#​19609]( - `@Aspect` pointcut declarations do not support dynamically loaded classes \[SPR-15040] [#​19606]( - Reactor2StompTcpClient should use a shared EventLoopGroup \[SPR-15035] [#​19601]( - Consistent autowiring behavior for specifically typed injection points against loosely typed `@Bean` methods \[SPR-14960] [#​19527]( - ContentCachingRequestWrapper can have maxContentLength to limit caching \[SPR-14829] [#​19395]( - ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor should reliably apply after AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator \[SPR-14692] [#​19256]( - Classes with abstract `@Lookup` methods not registered in case of classpath scanning \[SPR-14550] [#​19118]( - Deterministic and JVM-independent `@Bean` registration order within Class-reflected configuration classes \[SPR-14505] [#​19074]( - Allow configuring the message converter in HttpPutFormContentFilter \[SPR-14503] [#​19072]( - getBeanNamesForType(ResolvableType) does not reliably work for beans with AOP proxies \[SPR-14097] [#​18669]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - InvocableHandlerMethod should call GenericTypeResolver with getBeanType() and only once \[SPR-15186] [#​19752]( - HiddenHttpMethodFilter may disturb error rendering when handling malformed multipart request \[SPR-15179] [#​19745]( - Collection autowiring does not resolve field-level type variable against containing class \[SPR-15160] [#​19726]( - HeaderMethodArgumentResolver doesn't resolve Optional.empty() for non-existing header \[SPR-15151] [#​19717]( - SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster should not rely on ClassCastException having a message \[SPR-15145] [#​19711]( - Modification in AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory to prevent stackoverflow errors causes context not to load. \[SPR-15125] [#​19692]( - Incorrect resolution of ResolvableAttributes when MessageSourceSupport#alwaysUseMessageFormat is true \[SPR-15123] [#​19690]( - Can't autowire BiMap: container resolves non-matching Map of value beans \[SPR-15117] [#​19684]( - DefaultRedirectStrategy.sendRedirect with relative URL and ForwardedHeaderFilter add contextpath to URL twice \[SPR-15088] [#​19654]( - Spring validation crashes with Hibernate Validation 5 style list constraint violations \[SPR-15082] [#​19648]( - Annotated method argument matching performance issue \[SPR-15060] [#​19626]( - AutoProxyRegistrar throws NullPointer on `@kotlin`.Metadata Annotation \[SPR-15055] [#​19621]( - Regression with poolTargetSource and scoped proxy \[SPR-15042] [#​19608]( - Constant error 416 for a byte-range request with content type application/octet-stream \[SPR-15041] [#​19607]( - ConcurrentModificationException in AbstractRequestExpectationManager \[SPR-15029] [#​19596]( - LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap does not properly support Java 8's merge() and compute() methods \[SPR-15026] [#​19593]( - Injecting bean in configurable class using load-time weaving broken when referenced on scoped-proxy class \[SPR-14892] [#​19458]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - Improve the logging documentation \[SPR-15170] [#​19736]( - CookieLocaleResolver maxAge documentation wrong \[SPR-15155] [#​19721]( ### [`v4.3.5.RELEASE`]( 4.3.5 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - ForwardedHeaderFilter should support sendRedirect \[SPR-15020] [#​19587]( - JdbcTemplate should consistently delegate to getColumnMapRowMapper \[SPR-15018] [#​19585]( - LocaleContextHolder default value should be customizable \[SPR-15017] [#​19584]( - OkHttpClientHttpRequestFactory should allow POST requests without body \[SPR-15015] [#​19582]( - getBeanNamesForType(ResolvableType) doesn't match generic factory method return type for yet-to-be-created bean \[SPR-15011] [#​19578]( - Scoped EntityManager bean cannot get unwrapped to Session (with Hibernate 5.2) \[SPR-15010] [#​19577]( - Cannot customize autoGrowCollectionLimit on `@InitBinder` method when set custom MessageCodesResolver to Spring MVC \[SPR-15009] [#​19576]( - Support for java.util.Optional as a `@RequestBody` \[SPR-15007] [#​19574]( - Provide a way to unregister a DataSource in SQLErrorCodesFactory \[SPR-15006] [#​19573]( - Spring should tolerate zero-argument constructors with javax.inject.Inject \[SPR-15005] [#​19572]( - Add request matchers for query parameters in MockRestRequestMatchers \[SPR-14995] [#​19561]( - Update JdbcUtils to improve enum support \[SPR-14990] [#​19556]( - `@GetMapping` method annotation uses consumes attribute from `@RequestMapping` class annotation \[SPR-14988] [#​19554]( - MimeTypeUtils.parseMimeType should ignore an inner ";" inside a quoted value \[SPR-14986] [#​19552]( - HttpInvokerClientInterceptor should not wrap client-side Error as RemoteAccessException \[SPR-14985] [#​19551]( - `@DateTimeFormat`(iso = ISO.DATE_TIME) should use optimized formatter for LocalDateTime \[SPR-14958] [#​19525]( - Shared DefaultConversionService instance e.g. for BeanPropertyRowMapper \[SPR-14948] [#​19515]( - Normalize resource URL in ResourceServlet \[SPR-14946] [#​19513]( - Include expression string in SpelParseException \[SPR-14942] [#​19509]( - Support for Jetty 9.4 (and 9.3.15+) \[SPR-14940] [#​19507]( - ResponseEntity builders should allow casting an empty body to any type \[SPR-14939] [#​19506]( - Allow PayloadArgumentResolver to only apply to `@Payload` annotated parameters \[SPR-14937] [#​19504]( - PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver finds duplicate resources for executable jars but not for executable wars \[SPR-14936] [#​19503]( - Implement allocation-friendly method to get user count in SimpUserRegistry \[SPR-14930] [#​19497]( - ResourceUrlEncodingFilter, ResourceUrlProvider should correctly resolve hash'ed resource paths \[SPR-14928] [#​19495]( - Improve performance for conversions using a method parameter based type descriptor with annotations \[SPR-14926] [#​19493]( - DefaultListableBeanFactory.copyConfigurationFrom should provide independent AutowireCandidateResolver instance \[SPR-14921] [#​19488]( - HtmlUnitRequestBuilder ignores form encoding type \[SPR-14916] [#​19483]( - Improve performance of STOMP message header encoding \[SPR-14901] [#​19467]( - BeanPropertyRowMapper should be able to convert SQL timestamp to java.time.LocalDate/LocalTime \[SPR-14898] [#​19464]( - getBeanDefinitionNames should not leak the frozenBeanDefinitionNames array \[SPR-14897] [#​19463]( - Detect invalid configuration for autoGrowCollectionLimit on DataBinder \[SPR-14888] [#​19454]( - Use String.intern() for Class reading \[SPR-14886] [#​19452]( - Add PATCH HTTP operation to RestTemplate \[SPR-14857] [#​19423]( - Spring WebSockets should support token-based authentication \[SPR-14690] [#​19254]( - Add RedirectAttributesMethodArgumentResolver to the default argument resolvers in ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver \[SPR-14651] [#​19217]( - CommonsMultipartFile.getOriginalFilename() should be able to preserve header-specified filename as-is \[SPR-14613] [#​19180]( #### :beetle: Bug Fixes - MBeanExporter fails against null beans \[SPR-15031] [#​19598]( - Pointcut evaluation fails against AbstractHandlerMethodMapping$MappingRegistry with AspectJ 1.8.10 \[SPR-15019] [#​19586]( - Behaviour of field injection for List dependencies that are produced and consumed by the same configuration class has changed in 4.3.5 snapshots \[SPR-14996] [#​19563]( - Concurrency problem in DeferredResult: potential double execution of handleResult \[SPR-14978] [#​19544]( - ImportAware.setImportMetadata not invoked if import inherited from superclass with negative condition \[SPR-14972] [#​19538]( - List-to-String conversion exception does not refer to element type \[SPR-14971] [#​19537]( - Self reference fallback in 4.3 is not meant to apply to collection elements \[SPR-14965] [#​19532]( - PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver provides duplicate resources with relative URL \[SPR-14934] [#​19501]( - NPE in LoadTimeWeavingConfiguration: loadTimeWeaver() called too early \[SPR-14931] [#​19498]( - ConversionService performance regression \[SPR-14929] [#​19496]( - AbstractSockJsSession deadlock when tomcat WsSession is closing \[SPR-14917] [#​19484]( - ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver should not log propagated exceptions at warn level \[SPR-14907] [#​19473]( - sse breaks with indenting serializer \[SPR-14899] [#​19465]( - Content-based versions are not inserted into resource URLs in an error page \[SPR-14891] [#​19457]( - Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory should use SSL if port is 443 or scheme is https \[SPR-14889] [#​19455]( - RestTemplate POST and PUT don't work with Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory \[SPR-14860] [#​19426]( #### :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation - SpEL and Date Literals \[SPR-14987] [#​19553]( ### [`v4.3.4.RELEASE`]( 4.3.4 Release [Compare Source]( #### :star: New Features - Improve exception when failing to create a specific bean due to a NoClassDefFoundError \[SPR-14883] [#​19449]( - ApplicationListenerDetector should ignore non-managed bean instances \[SPR-14879] [#​19445]( - Sockjs XHR Fallback on already existing WebSocketServerSockJsSession \[SPR-14867] [#​19433]( - Use String.intern() for Annotation and Class scanning \[SPR-14862] [#​19428]( - Log exception from `@ExceptionHandler` at higher level than debug \[SPR-14861] [#​19427]( - Possibility to use as public class as NoOpCacheManager \[SPR-14856] [#​19422]( - TransactionStatus.flush() should trigger TransactionSynchronization.flush() when using DataSourceTransactionManager \[SPR-14847] [#​19413]( - Make HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequest abortable \[SPR-14845] [#​19411]( - AnnotationFormatterFactory should support `@AliasFor` \[SPR-14844] [#​19410]( - Type information not available on NoSuchBeanDefinitionException for collections \[SPR-14831] [#​19397]( - Reso