React-developer-want / tote_web

A MERN stack application to manage the employees of an organization.
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Implement joi schema for validation of the api #7

Open Baghel-sumit opened 1 year ago

PrinceBaghel258025 commented 1 year ago

Please provide more detail. Do you only want to validate response of each api call.

Baghel-sumit commented 1 year ago

Hey @PrinceBaghel258025, we want to make our all APIs' requests and also responses more protected so that we can restrict the calls if they are not following the proper structure of API request. So here we want every controller of the backend to protect by JOI schema or other schemas you can also use but before using any other schema please provide all the descriptions and instructions to implement that. So that future contributors can also refer to that particular schema. Please ping when you are going to implement this so that we can discuss the folder and file structure of it.

Thanks and Best regards Sumit