ReactVision / viro

ViroReact: The AR and VR library for React Native 📳💙💛🤍💚
MIT License
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VR is work? #157

Closed MrNapcae closed 6 months ago

MrNapcae commented 1 year ago
  1. Development OS: Mac
  2. Device OS & Version: IOS 16
  3. Version: ViroReact: 2.22.0, React Native: 0.66.4
  4. Device(s): Iphone 13 pro max

VR not work?


`import React, {useState} from 'react'; import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'; import { Viro360Video, ViroScene, ViroVRSceneNavigator, } from '@viro-community/react-viro'

const HelloWorldSceneAR = () => { return (

{console.log('buf start');}} onBufferEnd={() => {console.log('buf end');}} onError={(e) => {console.log(e.nativeEvent.error, 'buf error');}} onUpdateTime={(currentPlaybackTimeInSeconds, totalPlayBackDurationInSeconds) => {console.log('buf', currentPlaybackTimeInSeconds, totalPlayBackDurationInSeconds);}} />

); };

export const VRScene= () => { return ( <ViroVRSceneNavigator vrModeEnabled initialScene={{ scene: HelloWorldSceneAR, }} /> ); }; `