ReactVision / viro

ViroReact: The AR and VR library for React Native 📳💙💛🤍💚
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Viro ViroARSceneNavigator startVideoRecording, takeScreenshot is not working. #192

Closed antiergit closed 5 months ago

antiergit commented 1 year ago

while using Android 13, I got issue in ViroARSceneNavigator as startVideoRecording and takeScreenShot is returning error code 1. we cannot capture image or record video as library is not compatable with Android 13.

` _startRecording() { if (!this.state.audioPermission && Platform.OS === 'android') { this.requestAudioPermission(); }

 this._arNavigator._startVideoRecording('teleport_video', true, errorCode => {
  console.log('errorCode ', errorCode);
    'Recording Error',
    'Please allow video and audio permissions!' + errorCode,



ThomasCarstens commented 1 year ago

Trying startRecording with Android 12 and no success. Even though it detects res it says res.status and res.result.outputURL are undefined. Have I made a mistake integrating it?


sarimahmad commented 1 year ago

@ThomasCarstens Still I also facing this issue, do you find any solution

alihamzaazhar commented 1 year ago

@ThomasCarstens I am also facing the same issue, any solution?

robertjcolley commented 5 months ago

Please fill in the development information in the issue template. We want your projects you build with NativeVision to be successful! However, we are a small team, and we don't have the time to spend trying to figure out what configuration of React Native / iOS / Android / Expo / NativeVision / Windows / MacOS / Linux you are using.

We are also tracking issues like #228 - There is an issue with screenshots and video recording in v2.23.1.

I'll happily reopen with the template filled out! 😊