ReactionMechanismGenerator / AutoTST

AutoTST: A framework to perform automated transition state theory calculations
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`ActionError` and `IndexError` while trying to get transition states of H abstraction reactions from importer #47

Closed skrsna closed 4 years ago

skrsna commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the following errors while trying to get a TS object. Action Error for this reaction CC1=C[CH]C=CC1=O+CCCCO_CC1=CC=CC=C1O+CCC[CH]O1

ActionError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-160-bddd08767730> in <module>
----> 1 rxn.get_labeled_reaction()

~/Code/RMG-Py3/AutoTST/autotst/ in get_labeled_reaction(self)
    337                 try:
    338                     labeled_r, labeled_p = family.get_labeled_reactants_and_products(
--> 339                         test_reaction.reactants, test_reaction.products)
    340                 except ValueError:
    341                     continue

~/Code/RMG-Py3/RMG-Py/rmgpy/data/kinetics/ in get_labeled_reactants_and_products(self, reactants, products)
   2672         # raise exception
   2673         if num_mappings > 0:
-> 2674             raise ActionError('Something wrong with products that RMG cannot find a match!')
   2676         return None, None

ActionError: Something wrong with products that RMG cannot find a match!

while IndexError for this reaction C1=CC=C(C=CC2=CC=CC=C2)C=C1+[O]O_C(=CC1=CC=CC=C1)=C1C=C[CH]C=C1+OO

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-164-a9a69e534d3e> in <module>
----> 1 rxn.ts

~/Code/RMG-Py3/AutoTST/autotst/ in ts(self)
    116         if self._ts is None:
    117             ts_dict = {}
--> 118             for direction, complex in self.get_rmg_complexes().items():
    119                 ts = TS(
    120                     reaction_label=self.label,

~/Code/RMG-Py3/AutoTST/autotst/ in get_rmg_complexes(self)
    522         if self.rmg_reaction is None:
--> 523             self.get_labeled_reaction()
    525         reactant_complex = RMGMolecule()

~/Code/RMG-Py3/AutoTST/autotst/ in get_labeled_reaction(self)
    337                 try:
    338                     labeled_r, labeled_p = family.get_labeled_reactants_and_products(
--> 339                         test_reaction.reactants, test_reaction.products)
    340                 except ValueError:
    341                     continue

~/Code/RMG-Py3/RMG-Py/rmgpy/data/kinetics/ in get_labeled_reactants_and_products(self, reactants, products)
   2631             # get mappings in forward direction
   2632             mappings_a = self._match_reactant_to_template(molecule_a, template.reactants[0].item)
-> 2633             mappings_b = self._match_reactant_to_template(molecule_b, template.reactants[1].item)
   2634             mappings = list(itertools.product(mappings_a, mappings_b))
   2635             # get 
mappings in the reverse direction

IndexError: list index out of range

Both of these errors can be traced back to in rmgpy. The reactions in question are scraped from importer project and were able to make a transition state in py2. I'm seeing these errors after we updated to py3.

nateharms commented 4 years ago

Addressed in #48.