I put together a method for converting an Observable to a readable stream. It looks something like this:
function toReadableStream(observable) {
var stream = new Readable({
objectMode: true
stream._read = function() {
this.emit.bind(this, 'error'),
this.push.bind(this, null)
return stream;
I have another one called subscribeCallback, which "subscribes" an observable to a node-style callback:
function subscribeCallback(observable, callback) {
return observable.
// Only take the last item, to ensure we aren't calling `callback`
// multiple times.
function(x) { callback(null, x); },
function(err) { callback(err); }
My use case is that I'm working with a library where we're trying to keep all of our interfaces node-standard (callbacks or streams), but I'd still like to use RxJS for implementations. So I have a lot of functions that look like this
function fetchAThing(callback) {
// Bridge another node-style callback function to an Observable
var getter = Observable.fromNodeCallback(getSomething);
// Do my observable stuff
var obs = getter.
// Bridge back to node-style callbacks
subscribeCallback(obs, callback);
function fetchABunchOfThings() {
var obs = RxNode.fromReadbleStream(getAStreamOfThings());
// Do my observable stuff
var obs2 = obs.
// Bridge back to a node stream
return toReadableStream(obs2);
Is this something that you would see as in the scope of the RxNode library? If so, I can look at submitting a pull-request.
I put together a method for converting an Observable to a readable stream. It looks something like this:
I have another one called
, which "subscribes" an observable to a node-style callback:My use case is that I'm working with a library where we're trying to keep all of our interfaces node-standard (callbacks or streams), but I'd still like to use RxJS for implementations. So I have a lot of functions that look like this
Is this something that you would see as in the scope of the RxNode library? If so, I can look at submitting a pull-request.