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Overwatch player system #475

Open mithrand0 opened 1 year ago

mithrand0 commented 1 year ago

There are users, who violate the online rules of the game. These rules can be anything from toxic behavior, excessively kick players, harassment and cheating.

The current Steam system can report players, but it's not intuitive to use. It would be nice, to deploy an easier to use community reporting system similar to what cs:go is using. This way, we can use the community to report bad behavior, and new cheats, bundled with proof.

What would be nice:

In general, bad people will get reported by multiple players, the system would sort of prioritize itself.

We can use the existing backend system we already utilize that aggregates proof of cheaters, steam reports and other stuff. It has built-in translation for the reports and info from servers already.

The main challenge will probably be the in-game ui.

Update: everything is sort of finished, except the in-game gui.

jhh8 commented 1 year ago

what would be the punishment?

mithrand0 commented 1 year ago

Users that violate the TOS get sanctioned according to Steam Policy.

The overwatch system allows for quick signaling of issues, and could also provide a way to communicate to the user, before actions are taken, and after.

ywgATustcbbs commented 1 year ago

A user behavior rating system similar to dota2 will be appreciated. My suggestion is to force display user ratings to every player in lobby.

The rating could be based on up vote or down vote from the team (great game experience or bad experience, But not cheating or Such listed above), together with reporting(as listed).

To avoid abusing rating/reporting system, a user will have limited number of tickets within a period, for example 2tickets/week or 4/m. Tickets can also be given on playing time, 1 ticket per 5 game hours. Dota2 seems to take a hybrid ticket strategy. Reporting ticket should be unlimited.

When It come to punishment, different levels should be given to a user:

  1. For a user with low rating but never being reported violating community behavior rules, displaying his rating is the punishment.
  2. For the confirmed reportings, punishments could be several hours of banning to permanent banning based on reported times.

The current promotion system is almost useless. Why not combine The promotion and rating/reporting system? Each confirmed report will decrease the promotion level by 1 for some time. Each promotion level will increase the the reward of hoiaf by a small percent(1.5% per extera promotion, 9% for 7promotions). This will further increase the penalty of cheating in ranked servers. Because reporting will decrease the reward. And This will also bring promotion system back to live.

For Ui design, We could use promotion medal texts to show the player reputation. It is reasonable to show a marine's promotion along with some important career records.

mithrand0 commented 1 year ago

Above is nice, but I propose to keep the mvp as simple as possible at start. We don't have a large community, and we don't have hundreds of hours of development time to spare to code such system. If the system is there, it can always be extended later if needed.

BenLubar commented 1 year ago

On the Dota 2 thing: the experimental psychologist who works for Valve did a presentation on how it worked:

mithrand0 commented 7 months ago

About the reporting / overwatch system, we have split this task into few parts:

First three are finished. With the last task, we could use some help to speed things up.