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clientside grenade trail particles #695

Closed jhh8 closed 6 months ago

jhh8 commented 6 months ago

fixes GL and vindicator firenade particles not appearing with packet loss, uses same strategy as rockets from hornet barrage/smartbomb

jhh8 commented 6 months ago

next thing i'd like to do is have explosions also always show up. I was thinking to create explosions in UpdateOnRemove, however that makes them not accurate with higher packetloss and/or lower updaterate. It would be accurate to send the explosion origin together with the remove update, im not sure if simply having a vecExplosionOrigin netprop and setting it right before UTIL_Remove would acheive that, need to test

jhh8 commented 6 months ago

nevermind the accurate explosion particles idea above, people are saying they would rather not see explosion particles when theres packet loss just because their lack of presence is a good indication that there is packet loss. for future reference, the way i did it for grenade launcher grenades explosion was to have a m_vecDetonateOrigin netprop and set it to the origin of the grenade when it detonates, checking in client when that netprop becomes a non-default value, then simulate the particles. since the grenade gets removed right after the detonation, this vector wont be sent to the client, so i delayed the grenade removal by a short amount like 0.5 to 1.0 seconds at the end of the Detonate function by doing Disable(), then SetThink(SUB_Remove), SetNextThink(gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f). Haven't gotten into the way of making the grenade invisible while still sending over that netprop, because with SetEFlags(EF_NODRAW) it doesnt want to send it anymore. An easier way would be to make ASWGrenadeExplosion messages reliable, however the explosion sound is a seperate message which i havent checked if can or should be made reliable. I'd rather not have those messages as reliable though