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Research 7 - Jericho Mines: Queen bugs #777

Open WhenTanksFly opened 1 week ago

WhenTanksFly commented 1 week ago (I manually aborted the recording at the start of the third try to keep file size under control.) Try 1: Queen aborted its scripted sequence and refused to get past the boxes-and-tables blockade at the T-junction. Queen gate opened shortly after tick 10000, Jaeger proceeded to run into queen shortly after. Perhaps after Jaeger's death the queen executed the standard alien protocol of "no alive marines nearby, sleep" and wasn't awoken until someone else went up here to check where's the queen (this also triggered boss health bars)?

Try 2: Tick 32400, I move towards the objective button and die for seemingly no reason. It's common to see marines get instakilled near that area; does the queen's damage aura reach there during some of its animations?

Besides, can the queen's damage aura be toned down in relation to marines? It instakills even on Easy and that's absurd even without considering its range.