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Many inaccuracies between shown and true weapon/perk stats #799

Open WhenTanksFly opened 1 month ago

WhenTanksFly commented 1 month ago

Fire rate

Other numbers

Missing data

Texts, formatting, design

Some of the lines could be merged to take less vertical space:

Not directly related, but

On weapon select screen (but not individual weapon screen), replace monthly usage statistics with the short stats summary seen in lobby on hover-over, for a less sluggish option (quicker, less clicky) of viewing weapon stats.

jhh8 commented 1 month ago

With how firerate is implemented it heavily depends on tickrate, with higher tickrate it gets closer to the listed values, so if you want this fixed, we would need to implement firerate in a different way like it was done with chainsaw, so buffing the actual weapons instead of rewriting the numbers in stats

IAFJaeger commented 4 weeks ago

Maybe we should test these weapons' fire rate in a 100-tick even a 128-tick server.