ReactiveDrop / reactivedrop_public_src

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop game source code and issue tracker.
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Projects - Official Campaigns #98

Open BenLubar opened 2 years ago

BenLubar commented 2 years ago

WhenTanksFly commented 6 months ago

RES3 - add reward for taking "wrong" path (ammo? medkit? mostly empty flamer?)

I like the flamer idea, to remove the flamer requirement and to avoid softlock in case flamer wielder gets shieldbugged off the earlier bridge. Don't really need ammo as there's already a full box south and then another one soon.

WhenTanksFly commented 4 months ago

Lana's Escape: Lana's Maintenance: wrong number of random hacks can spawn

Example: I aborted the recording shortly after restarting and making sure all 3 hacks spawned after the restart.

WhenTanksFly commented 2 months ago At the second try. Wish I checked objectives sooner.

WhenTanksFly commented 3 weeks ago

d_lana-maintenans-2hacks_t8000& At the second try. We also found out that tech death after the second (and last available) hack still results in game over.