ReactiveRaven / jqBootstrapValidation

A JQuery validation framework for bootstrap forms.
MIT License
1.35k stars 332 forks source link

Not required Select menu tag have a red borde #206

Open malarap opened 7 years ago

malarap commented 7 years ago

Hi I'm running jQuery 1.7.2 and bootstrap v3.0 and this plugin It works perfect when submit but this plugin have a red border in select menus that does not have the tag hmtl5 "required" any idea?

knoufal commented 7 years ago

I am having the same issue, on validation class "error" is added to form tag which is causing this. you can change CSS from ".error ----" to "div.error ---" this way the red border will show if parent DIV has error. I am still looking for a clean way to prevent validation from adding "error" class to form tag.

div.has-error .bootstrap-select .dropdown-toggle, 
div.error .bootstrap-select .dropdown-toggle