ReactiveX / RxCpp

Reactive Extensions for C++
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Take causes memory leak #452

Open simonvpe opened 6 years ago

simonvpe commented 6 years ago

There is a circular dependency here. I'll try to figure out how to resolve it myself I presume. It would be a good idea to run the tests with valgrind or sanitizers though, since a lot of issues are about memory leaks.

    template<class Subscriber>
    void on_subscribe(const Subscriber& s) const {

        typedef Subscriber output_type;
        struct state_type
            : public std::enable_shared_from_this<state_type>
            , public values
            state_type(const values& i, const output_type& oarg)
                : values(i)
                , mode_value(mode::taking)
                , out(oarg)
            typename mode::type mode_value;
            output_type out;
        // take a copy of the values for each subscription
        auto state = std::make_shared<state_type>(initial, s);

        composite_subscription source_lifetime;


        // split subscription lifetime
        // on_next
            [state, source_lifetime](T t) {
                if (state->mode_value < mode::triggered) {
                    if (--state->count > 0) {
                    } else {
                        state->mode_value = mode::triggered;
                        // must shutdown source before signaling completion
        // on_error
            [state](std::exception_ptr e) {
                state->mode_value = mode::errored;
        // on_completed
            [state]() {
                state->mode_value = mode::stopped;
kirkshoop commented 6 years ago

Yes, there are many circular references in rxcpp. These are broken by the unsubscribe signal. Is there an expression that actually demonstrates a leak?

simonvpe commented 6 years ago

After producing a MCVE I'm not sure it is take that is the problem anymore.

#include <rxcpp/rx.hpp>
#include <iostream>

struct foo : public rxcpp::sources::source_base<int> {
  static int refcount;

  explicit foo() { std::cout << "++refcount = " << ++refcount << '\n'; }
  ~foo() { std::cout << "--refcount = " << --refcount << '\n'; }
  foo(const foo &other) { std::cout << "++refcount = " << ++refcount << '\n'; }
  foo(foo &&) { std::cout << "++refcount = " << ++refcount << '\n'; }
  foo &operator=(foo &&) = default;
  foo &operator=(const foo &) = default;

  template <typename Subscriber>
  void on_subscribe(Subscriber subscriber) const {
    for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {

auto create_foo_observable() {
  return rxcpp::observable<int, foo>{foo{}}
      .lift<int>([](rxcpp::subscriber<int> subscriber) {
        subscriber.get_subscription().add([] {
          std::cout << "Unsubscribed (refcount = " << foo::refcount << ")\n";
        return subscriber;

int foo::refcount = 0;

int main() {
        .subscribe([](auto) {});
  std::cout << "Final refcount is " << foo::refcount << '\n';
++refcount = 1
++refcount = 2
++refcount = 3
++refcount = 4
++refcount = 5
--refcount = 4
--refcount = 3
++refcount = 4
++refcount = 5
++refcount = 6
++refcount = 7
--refcount = 6
--refcount = 5
--refcount = 4
--refcount = 3
--refcount = 2
--refcount = 1
Unsubscribed (refcount = 1)
Final refcount is 1

If I remove .observe_on(rxcpp::observe_on_new_thread()) the final refcount is 0. Maybe this is not how you are supposed to create your own observables? In my real code I start up an async process using boost::asio that calls the methods on the subscriber, but the general boilerplate is about the same.

simonvpe commented 6 years ago

If I use rxcpp::observable<>::create() the result is more pleasing however.

#include <rxcpp/rx.hpp>

struct bar {
  static int refcount;

  explicit bar() { std::cout << "++refcount = " << ++refcount << '\n'; }
  ~bar() { std::cout << "--refcount = " << --refcount << '\n'; }
  bar(const bar &other) { std::cout << "++refcount = " << ++refcount << '\n'; }
  bar(bar &&) { std::cout << "++refcount = " << ++refcount << '\n'; }
  bar &operator=(bar &&) = default;
  bar &operator=(const bar &) = default;

int bar::refcount = 0;

int main() {
    rxcpp::observable<>::create<int>([state = bar{}](auto subscriber) {
      for (auto i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
        .subscribe([](auto) {});

  // <- Need to wait for cleanup or `bar::refcount == 1`
  using namespace std::chrono_literals;

  std::cout << "Final refcount is " << bar::refcount << '\n';
++refcount = 1
++refcount = 2
++refcount = 3
++refcount = 4
++refcount = 5
--refcount = 4
--refcount = 3
--refcount = 2
++refcount = 3
++refcount = 4
++refcount = 5
--refcount = 4
--refcount = 3
++refcount = 4
++refcount = 5
++refcount = 6
--refcount = 5
++refcount = 6
--refcount = 5
--refcount = 4
++refcount = 5
++refcount = 6
--refcount = 5
++refcount = 6
--refcount = 5
--refcount = 4
--refcount = 3
--refcount = 2
--refcount = 1
--refcount = 0
Final refcount is 0
kirkshoop commented 6 years ago

I expect the the first will get to zero if the sleep in the second is added before printing the final refcount.

The refcount waits for the observe_on to shutdown.