ReactiveX / RxJava

RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
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OSGI Equinox Mars RXJava not installing/starting on bundle startup in Linux #3583

Closed bppause closed 8 years ago

bppause commented 8 years ago

I am unable to get rxjava to install during during osgi equinox startup. It doesnt even show in list of bundles after issuing ss command.

it does work once OSGI console comes up and I manually issue install command and then start bundle

steps: install file:plugins/rxjava-1.0.17.jar*

Doing an 'ss' after that will show the bundle in the installed state.
You can then start it, and it will work fine. But I can't seem to get a working entry to do this.

Tried with both RXjava 1.1 and 1.0.17 and same outcome.

Note: Works perfectly on windows (only issue on Lunx)

Here is the entry io.reactivex.rxjava,1.0.17,plugins/rxjava-1.0.17.jar,4,true

Here is the manifest (Note: I did remove the sun.misc entry referencing this issue as this would not allow bundle to start on linux, windows or manually on osgi command line )

Manifest-Version: 1.0 Export-Package: rx;version="1.0.17";uses:="rx.functions,rx.observables ,rx.schedulers,",rx.annotations;version="1.0.17",rx.excepti ons;version="1.0.17";uses:=rx,rx.functions;version="1.0.17",rx.intern al.operators;version="1.0.17";uses:="rx,rx.functions,rx.observables,r x.schedulers,rx.subjects",rx.internal.producers;version="1.0.17";uses :=rx,rx.internal.schedulers;version="1.0.17";uses:="rx,rx.functions,r x.internal.util,rx.subscriptions",rx.internal.util;version="1.0.17";u ses:="rx,rx.exceptions,rx.functions,rx.internal.schedulers",rx.intern al.util.atomic;version="1.0.17",rx.internal.util.unsafe;version="1.0. 17";uses:="rx.internal.util.atomic,sun.misc",rx.observables;version=" 1.0.17";uses:="rx,rx.functions",rx.observers;version="1.0.17";uses:=" rx,rx.functions",rx.plugins;version="1.0.17";uses:="rx,rx.functions", rx.schedulers;version="1.0.17";uses:=rx,;version="1.0.17";u ses:=rx,rx.subjects;version="1.0.17";uses:="rx,rx.internal.operators, rx.schedulers",rx.subscriptions;version="1.0.17";uses:="rx,rx.functio ns" Implementation-Title: io.reactivex#rxjava;1.0.17 Built-By: travis Change: a65ca70 Gradle-Version: 2.2.1 Tool: Bnd- Built-OS: Linux Build-Host: Build-Number: LOCAL Module-Origin: Bundle-SymbolicName: io.reactivex.rxjava Build-Id: LOCAL X-Compile-Target-JDK: 1.6 Implementation-Version: 1.0.17 Module-Owner: Bundle-Name: rxjava Created-By: 1.7.0_76-b13 (Oracle Corporation) Build-Job: LOCAL Build-Date: 2015-12-02_20:27:10 X-Compile-Source-JDK: 1.6 Build-Java-Version: 1.7.0_76 Bundle-Vendor: ReactiveX Built-Status: release Bundle-Version: 1.0.17 Bnd-LastModified: 1449087991000 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-DocURL: Module-Email: Module-Source:

Please advise

artem-zinnatullin commented 8 years ago

Can you try RxJava v1.1.0 with Oracle JDK/JRE on Linux in your setup?

// Would be great if you could close the issue if it was successfully resolved (with some info for others) or add more input to continue investigation.

mattrifidi commented 8 years ago


I tried that as suggested, and Oracle JDK does seem to work where OpenJDK fails. Is there any reason that it works but OpenJDK has trouble? Doing a manual "install" on the jar after startup with OpenJDK does seem to work. If at all possible I would like to get this working on OpenJDK.

Thanks for your help!

bppause commented 8 years ago

Why was this closed. We're the issues supporting via openjdk..resolved?

akarnokd commented 8 years ago

@artem-zinnatullin posted a possible solution but there was no response for a month. If you think you can add more input I'd be glad to reopen the issue.

bppause commented 8 years ago

I tried that as suggested, and Oracle JDK does seem to work where OpenJDK fails. Is there any reason that it works but OpenJDK has trouble? Doing a manual "install" on the jar after startup with OpenJDK does seem to work. If at all possible I would like to get this working on OpenJDK.

Thanks for your help!