Open vjcspy opened 8 months ago
Hi @vjcspy
For extra information you can refer to @dbrattli 's reply on an older issue
That issue being from v3 times, below is a sample code that should get you the expected parallelism.
def main():
import time
import reactivex
from reactivex import operators as ops
from reactivex.scheduler import ThreadPoolScheduler
start = time.time()
pool_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(5)
messages = []
def log(message):
with threading.Lock():
messages.append(f"{round(time.time() - start , 1)}: {message}")
def intense_calculation(value):
return f"Computed for {value}"
# Create an Observable
source = reactivex.from_(["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"])
ops.flat_map(lambda s: reactivex.from_future(pool_scheduler.executor.submit(intense_calculation, s))),
on_next=lambda s: log(
f"Processed {s} on {threading.current_thread().name}"
on_error=lambda e: log(f"ERROR {e}"),
on_completed=lambda: log("Process complete!"),
Additional issues that discuss this:
Hope this helps
I'm currently encountering an issue with RxPY where I'm trying to execute multiple tasks concurrently using ThreadPoolScheduler, but they seem to be executing sequentially instead. My goal is to have the tasks "Start Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma" begin almost simultaneously, but there's a 2-second delay between each start, which is not what I was expecting. Below is the relevant part of my code:
Logs are showing that the tasks are starting and finishing sequentially, each 2 seconds apart:
I was under the impression that using ThreadPoolScheduler with a pool size of 5 would allow these tasks to run in parallel, but it appears they are not. I expect "Start Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma" to be logged simultaneously, with the operations happening concurrently on different threads.
Could anyone help identify what might be causing this sequential execution instead of concurrent execution, and how can I adjust my code to achieve the expected parallelism?
Thank you for any insights or suggestions you can provide!
Thank you in advance for your help!