ReactiveX / RxScala

RxScala – Reactive Extensions for Scala – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences
Apache License 2.0
888 stars 121 forks source link

Project status #244

Closed dhoepelman closed 4 years ago

dhoepelman commented 4 years ago


Interest in RxScala seems to have waned over time, in favor of other streaming frameworks in the Scala ecosystem. This is visible in multiple ways

While this is sad for people who like using the Rx model in scala, there are lot of good Scala alternatives in akka streams, monix, cats-effect, fs2 and ZIO (apologies in advance if I missed one). Scala community interest has drifted to those over time. RxJava 3 or Reactor are also alternaties for developers who are willing to use RxScala-like libraries that are less Scala idiomatic

This leaves RxScala 1. My proposal is to put the project in an official End-of-life (EOL) or maintenance only state. This creates clarity about the state of the project and makes sure effort of both potential users and the community is not wasted. It says nothing about a potential RxScala 3 if someone is interested in starting that.

I am willing to perform some work here, which would entail:

I cannot do the second because I have no release rights, so either I would need get those or releases would need to be done when needed by someone else

@zsxwing @samuelgruetter @xuwei-k what do you think?

samuelgruetter commented 4 years ago

Sounds good to me @dhoepelman, thanks for taking care of this! Looks like I only have write access, but not admin access to grant you write/releases access, but maybe @zsxwing or @akarnokd has?

akarnokd commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have admin access either.

samuelgruetter commented 4 years ago

Ok next try: @benjchristensen could you please grant write access for the RxScala repo to @dhoepelman?

benlesh commented 4 years ago

Hey I'm an admin on ReactiveX, I'm going to give @akarnokd admin here, and I'll add @dhoepelman as having write permissions. Have a great day and thanks for taking care of this!

benlesh commented 4 years ago

Okay, all is done! @dhoepelman, you should have an invite in your email.

dhoepelman commented 4 years ago

Thanks @benlesh and @samuelgruetter!