ReactiveX / RxSwift

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withLatestFrom *only* takes immediate values it does not wait for deferred events from the `second` observable #2594

Closed geoffmacd closed 4 months ago

geoffmacd commented 4 months ago

Short description of the issue:

If you use withLatestFrom() and the second observable is delayed, after getting 1 event from the first observable, the result will silently fail and not emit another event until the next first event. There is an early return that does nothing (no event of any kind) which, to me, was super unexpected and caused a timing-related bug.

Expected outcome:

I expect that withLatestFrom should return some kind of event if the second observable does not have immediate values upon subscription but has deferred events. It should not just be ignored and returned early as the code does in

What actually happens:

In my case, we have something like this:

func enableSomeFeatureDependingOnDiskSpace(enabled: Observable<Bool>, diskSpaceAcceptable: Observable<Bool>) {

    .withLatestFrom(diskSpaceAcceptable) { ($0, $1) }
    .subscribe(onNext: { a bunch of stuff...})
    .dispose(by: disposeBag)

When I changed the logic in diskSpaceAcceptable to asynchronously generate the first event (takes a while), I had reasonably expected that the withLatestFrom functionality would wait until there was a value before emitting the combined values. This does not happen due to this early return There is no Event at all, not a next/error or completion. This means that values from enabled were being ignored and this code would be stuck here and never generated an event. Only if the diskSpaceAcceptable had immediate values would this return anything.

I do not believe this should silently do nothing and cause race conditions as it did for us. I think withLatestFrom should either a) wait until a value is generated from second OR b) throw an error (I'd prefer A although it will change default behavior). I think

Self contained code example that reproduces the issue:

modified example of the testWithLatestFrom_Simple1 illustrating what I mean by the deferred second observable event:

    func testWithLatestFrom_Simple1() {
        let scheduler = TestScheduler(initialClock: 0)

        let xs = scheduler.createHotObservable([
            .next(90, 1),
            .next(180, 2),
            .next(250, 3),

        let ys = scheduler.createHotObservable([
            .next(255, "bar"),

        let res = scheduler.start {
            xs.withLatestFrom(ys) { x, y in "\(x)\(y)" }

        XCTAssertEqual(, [
            .next(255, "3bar"), // <-- should give me the "latest value" and not just ignored "bar". This fails

        XCTAssertEqual(xs.subscriptions, [
            Subscription(200, 590)

        XCTAssertEqual(ys.subscriptions, [
            Subscription(200, 400)

RxSwift/RxCocoa/RxBlocking/RxTest version/commit

version or commit here


How easy is to reproduce? (chances of successful reproduce after running the self contained code)

Xcode version: all

Level of RxSwift knowledge: (this is so we can understand your level of knowledge and formulate the response in an appropriate manner)

danielt1263 commented 4 months ago

The withLatestFrom operator has basically the same behavior as combineLatest in this case. If there is no latest, there's nothing to return.

The solution is for you to start(with:) on the second operator so your "sentinel value" emits if the second observable hasn't emitted a value yet.

geoffmacd commented 4 months ago

It is not correct to 'startsWith' in this case. There is a need here to truly not have any value/event for highly asynchronous code as I suggested in my use case. Starting with some default value would be the wrong behavior and lead to other issues.

geoffmacd commented 4 months ago

I suppose my disagreement is in the api contract with the word "latest". I would not expect that this would silently break/cause a race condition if there is no "latest" value. Throwing an error at least or allowing a different behavior is preferable to this situation.

danielt1263 commented 4 months ago

Hmm... Well, not only would your suggestion be a breaking change, but it would also be contrary to the way withLatestFrom is implemented in other Rx implementations (Rx.js for ex.)

So, as I understand it, you want the second observable to emit immediately if the first observable has emitted something... If the first has emitted two values before second emits its first value, would you want the first two values of second to emit immediately when they come in?

danielt1263 commented 4 months ago

It sounds like, you would be better served with a buffer(boundary:) implementation like the one here on line 143. To use it, you would do something more like second.buffer(boundary: first).

With it, every time first emitted, the observable would emit all the values that second emitted since the previous emission of first.

freak4pc commented 4 months ago

withLatestFrom doesn't wait or fire on changes for "second", it pulls a "current view" of the "second" and if there is no value there it will not do anything (and the stream will be "stuck"). This isn't a bug but planned behavior.

What you want seems more like combineLatest indeed.

danielt1263 commented 4 months ago

Lastly @geoffmacd ... If you want to describe the exact behavior you want, I'm happy to work with you and make a custom operator. It would be best to do this on the Slack channel rather than here though I think...

geoffmacd commented 4 months ago

After looking at other Rx impls, this current implementation is correct it seems So I agree now that it shouldn't be changed.

For the record, I made a change in this diff anyway to keep backwards compatibility but add the behavior I expected with a new behavior similar to other operators. See the tests for the withLatestFrom(..., behavior: .deferred) functionality I had expected. I'm not going to PR this but wondering if this adds values for other devs. combineLatest is also not quite what I want.

danielt1263 commented 4 months ago

Here is your operator without having to maintain your own branch of RxSwift:

extension ObservableType {
    func withDeferredLatestFrom<Source>(_ second: Source) -> Observable<Source.Element>
        where Source: ObservableConvertibleType
        Observable.create { observer in
            var triggered = false
            var latest = Source.Element?.none
            let lock = NSRecursiveLock()
            let source = second.asObservable().subscribe { event in
                lock.lock(); defer { lock.unlock() }
                switch event {
                case let .next(element):
                    latest = element
                    if triggered {
                        triggered = false
                case let .error(error):
                case .completed:
            let trigger = self.subscribe { event in
                lock.lock(); defer { lock.unlock() }
                switch event {
                case .next:
                    if let element = latest {
                        triggered = false
                    } else {
                        triggered = true
                case let .error(error):
                case .completed:
            return CompositeDisposable(source, trigger)

Let's think this through though. Are you sure you want the Observable to abruptly stop if the source completes, but the operator is still waiting for a value from second or should the operator wait and emit a last value from second before completing?

danielt1263 commented 4 months ago

This seems safe to close now...