ReactiveX / RxSwift

Reactive Programming in Swift
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Carthage update failure #798

Closed zetasq closed 8 years ago

zetasq commented 8 years ago

When using Carthage to update RxSwift, I got the following error from the terminal:

A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -workspace /Users/zetasq/Documents/Teambition iOS Projects/Teambition-Universal/Carthage/Checkouts/RxSwift/Rx.xcworkspace -scheme RxTests-tvOS -configuration Release -sdk appletvos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65:

The following build commands failed:
    Check dependencies
(1 failure)

The following build commands failed:
    Check dependencies
(1 failure)
kzaher commented 8 years ago

Hi @zetasq ,

if you are trying swift-3.0 branch and Carthage, I think it should work now, I've done some fixes yesterday.

If if doesn't work, then I would need to know the contents of your Cartfile and your Xcode version.

zetasq commented 8 years ago

@kzaher I'm using Xcode 7.3.1 and Swift 2.3, here's my Cartfile content, hope it will help you (sorry it's a little bit long):

github "Alamofire/Alamofire" ~> 3.0
github "SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON"
github "CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack"
github "onevcat/Kingfisher"
github "AgileBits/onepassword-extension" "add-framework-support"
github "malcommac/SwiftDate"
github "krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift"
github "Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper" ~> 1.0
github "teambition/queue"
github "teambition/Snapper-swift"
github "teambition/SegmentedControl"
github "teambition/BadgeNumberView"
github "teambition/BadgeListView"
github "ibireme/YYText"
github "teambition/SwipeableTableViewCell"
github "teambition/CardStyleTableView"
github "teambition/GrowingTextView"
github "teambition/PhotoPicker"
github "teambition/AMRAudioSwift"
github "teambition/MaskProgressView"
github "teambition/MessageKit"
github "teambition/PhotoBrowser"
github "teambition/FilePreviewController"
github "teambition/STTableBoard"
github "kevinlawler/NSDate-TimeAgo"
github "teambition/TBEmptyDataSet"
github "teambition/RefreshView"
github "teambition/KeyboardAvoiding"
github "SnapKit/SnapKit"
github "ReactiveX/RxSwift"
github "ashleymills/Reachability.swift"
github "teambition/RRuleSwift"
github "teambition/RecurrencePicker"
github "teambition/HanziPinyin"
github "teambition/WeChatSDK"
github "teambition/WebBrowser"
github "iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS"
github "teambition/SwiftyEmojiKeyboard"
github "teambition/NotificationView"
github "teambition/SimplePasscode"
github "matthewpalmer/Locksmith"
github "teambition/mixpanel-iphone"
github "mdiep/MMMarkdown"
github "teambition/ViewFaster"
github "teambition/DropdownMenu"
github "teambition/SimpleActionSheet"
kzaher commented 8 years ago

Hi @zetasq ,

it looks like bitcode was turned off for tvOS tests and that was failing Carthage build. We'll probably need to publish a patch for this.

zetasq commented 8 years ago

@kzaher Thanks a lot :)

kzaher commented 8 years ago

Hi @zetasq ,

I was getting ready to roll a patch release because I could repro this issue, but I knew I've ran integration tests and this has worked.

It looks like that computer I was using to run integration tests had latest version of carthage 0.17.2, and where it failed had carthage 0.15.2.

It looks to me that you might only need to update carthage.

Could you try that out, because it seems to me that 2.6.0 does work with latest version.

zetasq commented 8 years ago

@kzaher You are right. After I upgrade Carthage to 0.17.2, the "carthage update" command execute without any error. Thanks!