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Who uses ReactiveX #26

Closed staltz closed 3 months ago

staltz commented 10 years ago

On the frontpage, I'm planning to include a section "Who uses Rx" listing a few companies that use Rx in a significant way or as a core technology. My memory is very bad at the moment and honestly I can just think of Netflix and Couchbase.

So, could you guys list a few more so I can fill this list?


If you wish to have your companies' logo and link on the frontpage, just provide a png image of size approx. 500x200 (or better), with white or transparent background, and a link to the page. We can include logos as much as there is incoming, but at some amount (maybe 12?), we should reconsider which ones are stronger for social proof.

Logos will be sorted by decreasing Alexa ranking (global), and with a max of 12 logos on the frontpage. Current sorting as of 19 September 2014:

  1. Microsoft (42)
  2. Netflix (81)
  3. GitHub (133)
  4. SoundCloud (180)
  5. Trello (531)
  6. Treehouse (2,224)
  7. SeatGeek (14,258)
  8. ooVoo (24,278)
  9. Couchbase (49,285)
  10. Futurice (385,110)
  11. Welbe (1,573,204)
flatmap13 commented 10 years ago

The GitHub app uses RxJava. Soundcloud also uses it. Rx.NET ships on every windows phones and Cortana (Siri competitor) is completely built on Rx. There's more but my memory is also lacking at the moment :)

staltz commented 10 years ago

Ok, I'll gather some 'evidences':

anaisbetts commented 10 years ago

@GeorgiKhomeriki I don't think any official GitHub apps use RxJava atm (though that's solely because we don't really use Java a lot here).

Rx.NET is used in almost every C# project we write including GitHub for Windows, and GitHub for Mac uses ReactiveCocoa. The Atom project is also planning to use RxJS though they're currently in an API freeze and want to save that change for vNext.

flatmap13 commented 10 years ago

@paulcbetts Thank you for clearing that up.

staltz commented 10 years ago

More references:

dlew commented 10 years ago

I am a Trello Android developer and can confirm that we're using it quite a bit. We're getting more and more reliant on it each month. :)

wilka commented 10 years ago

We use the .NET flavour of Rx and ReactiveUI in our Progenesis mass spectrometry products at Nonlinear Dynamics (as well as most of our internal tools).

Takhion commented 10 years ago

At Clue we're developing the Android version of the app using a lot of RxJava!

srvaroa commented 10 years ago

Hi, at Midokura we're using it for our distributed network virtualisation solution (Midonet). It's already being used for components that deliver part of the network configuration and state, we're currently working to extending these usages.

experquisite commented 10 years ago

I am evaluating RxScala for some financial trading applications.

staltz commented 10 years ago

Hi @dlew , @WilkaH , @Takhion and @srvaroa , if you wish to have your companies' logo and link on the frontpage, just provide an png image of size approx. 500x200 (or better), with white or transparent background, and a link to the page.

hamidp commented 10 years ago

@staltz For Trello, there are logos on

If you need a specific size or format let me know and I'll get them over

staltz commented 10 years ago

That will do. ;)

PS: I'll include logos/links as much as there is incoming, but at some amount (maybe 16), we should reconsider which ones are stronger for social proof.

mwadams commented 10 years ago

We use Rx (.NET) in our core IP. It is in use with a bunch of clients including

jwooley commented 10 years ago

I've used Rx.Net in a number of customer internal apps, so I can't name the companies. One public one I can divulge is that I did include it in my small phone app - Metronomicon.

tamirdresher commented 10 years ago

ooVoo for windows phone 8 uses RX

And in almost every project i was consulting, we used RX

dallasgutauckis commented 10 years ago

Android dev for SeatGeek here; we're using RxJava in our latest version. Absolutely love it.

anaisbetts commented 10 years ago

@staltz probably want to grab double that size for Retina / HiDPI

staltz commented 10 years ago

It's already doubled. ;)

Yarikx commented 10 years ago

We use RxJava a lot in Attendify for our Android App.

AndrewReitz commented 10 years ago

Android Developer @ SmartThings and I can confirm we use RxJava.

dbrattli commented 10 years ago

Microsoft Delve uses RxJS.

noseratio commented 10 years ago

I use Rx .NET to properly react upon different sequences of user input events inside an editing component. It's much easier than implementing a complex state tracker.

gavrix commented 10 years ago

Qwyrk iOS app is built on RAC. Android version is partially using RxJava (moving to RxJava in future).

daschl commented 10 years ago

Couchbase uses RxJava for its new JVM SDK, but I was very glad to see you already put our logo on the front page, thanks!

badamczewski commented 10 years ago

Monitoring system for a bank (that shall remain nameless) uses Rx for .NET to capture and analyse incoming streams of events from various systems.

dbrattli commented 10 years ago

Microsoft uses RxJS for Onedrive Business.

glennblock commented 9 years ago

We use RX in our new Splunk C# SDK. I blogged about why we chose it here. Splunk's SDK allows doing realtime queries which continually stream events i.e. a push model. In particular it's helpful for building responsive UIs pulling Splunk data.

glennblock commented 9 years ago

I can email a logo, just give me an email to send to.

staltz commented 9 years ago

andrestaltz [at]

mattpodwysocki commented 9 years ago

@glennblock wait, you use JS in your C# SDK?

glennblock commented 9 years ago

@mattpodwysocki no .NET. Did I say JS?

glennblock commented 9 years ago

@mattpodwysocki yes I did. :-). Edited

glennblock commented 9 years ago

Forgot to mention, we also have this page in our docs which talks specifically about Rx.

austynmahoney commented 9 years ago

We use RxJava on Android at O.C. Tanner and Welbe in our Android app


joesteele commented 9 years ago

We at Treehouse use RxJava extensively in our new Android app


tkowalcz commented 9 years ago


we at use RxJava in our real time analytics product (I mention the product only because it has significant traffic as opposed to company webpage).


Takhion commented 9 years ago

At Clue we're developing the Android version of the app using a lot of RxJava! Clue

tonycosentini commented 8 years ago

@staltz are you still accepting logo submissions via this thread (assuming the company is in top 12 Alexa ranking)?

DavidMGross commented 8 years ago

Do you want to keep this issue open as a way of accepting new submissions, or can we close it as resolved?

devxoul commented 6 years ago

StyleShare uses RxSwift and RxJava for apps.

LanaIV commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'd like to use Rx logo to create meetup presentation image: Can I use it without any legal issues or where can I ask authorization to use it. Thanks in advance.

akarnokd commented 3 months ago

Might not be relevant after so much time. If still, please open a new issue.