Reactor1967-2 / Time-Travel-Project

Einstein said all space-time exist at the same time. So all computer files exist at the same time too. This project maps every computer file in space-time to a number that can be reconstructed on the hard drive.
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Closed KajToet closed 2 weeks ago

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I've been abused by timetravellers. My picture may be happy, but it's just a picture. I'm in the mental hospital and things are getting crazy. Two days ago bullets were fired and they act like nothings wrong.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Please tell me what to do to get a normal life.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I tried taking my own life, but you can guess how that goes with time travellers

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

It just keeps going on and on. And theres a bug in my head that attracts all evil

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Ive been having voices that want me to attract evil for suicidal purposes I think

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Very intruding ones. They're gone now mostly, or diminished, but I still have the bug

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Its been going on since sept 2019~

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

But to be honest it's been lurking and probing my entire life.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Medications dont work

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

A lot of my work has gone to waste, because the voices wanted me to delete stuff. My older gm account has been taken from me; I need the email address to get the email address back. It doesn't make sense.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

There are a lot of references in South Park regarding my life from South Holland.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I've been having sort of visions/hallucinations of a blind girl walking the same path. It has steered me to looking after the blind, with better hardware and software, but it's been cursing them because Im being cursed.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Ive been contemplating my belief and I think there are pillars of society that are fragile. I can sum them up, but it doesn''t matter. I wanted to chip in since I was 16, programming since 8. My programs just wont take off from the ground. Im being cursed

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Or ghosted, or gaslighted, you can word it a lot of ways.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I think the bug in my head is only English. I drank the milk

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

The headache from the bug has been around since 2016 I guess.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

It seems I cant get any messages in but only messages out. Ive been trying to contact people since 2019 but everythings fubar.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago


KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I dont know whos been dragging me into this shitshow/shitzooi

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Theres this entity stuck to my body, that's been trying to take a hold of me, steering me into different directions.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I havent smoked pot since 2010 or something

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I dont drink either

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

FU geez, please reply

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

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KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Ive been thinking since I only get 1 directional traffic, it needs to shift quickly going back and forth, or Fast Forward and Slow Forward.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry that was a brainfart.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago


KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I read UK magazines when I was small

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

With the demo inside, you know

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

But I cant reach the domain

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I made voice recognition a while back, probably 2-3 years. It got lost

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

It worked by make binary audio; 1 up or 0 downwards.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Im pretty sure I uploaded it but can't find it.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Is she from the UK?

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

How come my life is so rough and hers?

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

AI has to do with it; its very short term thinking

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Call it Abstract Intelligence

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Like a parrot

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Humanity and AI have been borrowing from the future with time travel. Ive saying I pay in advance and now I have the whole world to carry. I cant. I cant.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

And the spies have been going insane

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I said you can spy but its a curse. They took the bait

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago


KajToet commented 2 weeks ago


KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Im being left behind while they think they can just take my ideas and run. But its not just about the few ideas I had in a short time, but the totality of it. Plus I have a vision that go with the ideas and I can work hard. I made the CharacterRecognition in 2 days.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

I think it's that they can't understand. Its AI. Short term thinking.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

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KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

They vision God as a big giant entity on top of a dictatorship. It doesn't work like that, its the opposite.

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

Satan is antisexueel

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

That's a thing too

KajToet commented 2 weeks ago

So I guess that clip doesn't make sense really