Reactor1967-2 / Time-Travel-Project

Einstein said all space-time exist at the same time. So all computer files exist at the same time too. This project maps every computer file in space-time to a number that can be reconstructed on the hard drive.
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Closed KajToet closed 1 month ago

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I've been abused by timetravellers. My picture may be happy, but it's just a picture. I'm in the mental hospital and things are getting crazy. Two days ago bullets were fired and they act like nothings wrong.

KajToet commented 1 month ago

A mindmap of connected people was an idea from my oldest brother who now works at Meta

KajToet commented 1 month ago

True story

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I have 3 brothers

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Theyre 5-9 years older

KajToet commented 1 month ago

The voices asked me if I wanted to sacrefice my family, but I have to no idea what that contains

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I guess it means I sacrefice myself, because Im the one thats hurting all this time

KajToet commented 1 month ago

My brother Joeri works at Meta

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Hes a judicial lawyer

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Akon reversed is no kaj

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Ive hacked a server once, by google php vulnerabilities. I just logged in and looked around and left

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I dont remember the domain

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I fell to my back once because the entity stuck to my body wanted to. It was really powerful back then

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I keep wondering where they get their energy and motive from. The meshnet is supposed to buy out the competition

KajToet commented 1 month ago


KajToet commented 1 month ago

I guess within the meshnet there can be pyramids, pretty much representive of a tool perhaps?

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Schermafbeelding 2024-06-16 200709

KajToet commented 1 month ago

A virtual meshnet!

KajToet commented 1 month ago

It would be better in speed than a plain meshnet

KajToet commented 1 month ago

And a plain meshnet usually doesnt involve wires

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Humordenaar is a play in words with Huurmordenaar. First means humor something, second means assassin/hitman

KajToet commented 1 month ago

There is no pressing the button for an easy way out

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Coffeemachine isn't a timetravel machine but I joked it was

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Can you pay up now?

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Short term thinking says no

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Are you with an old voice that says he is God? Is that because he controls the AI?

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Perhaps you shoudlnt be believing in the voice of God without the holy Spirit, thats what you feel

KajToet commented 1 month ago

The Holy Spirit is like the dots connect

KajToet commented 1 month ago

And the future and the pieces fall into place

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I guess that might be me the Son. There are probably more. They say we are all the Children of God.

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Schermafbeelding 2024-06-16 203013

KajToet commented 1 month ago


KajToet commented 1 month ago

Why can't I understand encryption? I can understand the one time pad

KajToet commented 1 month ago

And the encryption based on pseudonimity and good choices

KajToet commented 1 month ago

The basics of common good

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I cant understand bitcoin either

KajToet commented 1 month ago

How do you let know how much bitcoin you have without giving away the keys if you know what i mean

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Ah, yes, the meshnet, mindmap and karma. Karma is in the meshnet, decentralized banking

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Its based on Byzantine generals voting.

KajToet commented 1 month ago

One time pad is been a thing since cold war and way before probably

KajToet commented 1 month ago

You can ask your central govenment if you can let the password be as long as the message

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Is bitcoin a key cracking machine?

KajToet commented 1 month ago

The white paper doesn't make sense

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Imagine 3d being an array that can 2d or 1d. 1 dimension that is at the ground floor. going back and forth to generate 3d. Is that timetravelling?

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Its like the basic operations of all things

KajToet commented 1 month ago

Would that include time travel?

KajToet commented 1 month ago

It needs energy to function. So it wont always pay back, and it won't always be the most efficient route

KajToet commented 1 month ago

And besides that, what is microsd? A terabyte on a fingernail chip? How did that came to work? Seems like timetravel work

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I been thinking about belief and angels and demons. Ive been mostly by far been attracting demons rather than angels. Its a little harsh to say because theyve obviously being misguided by another person. I don't know him but theyre calling him Jeroen, which is like Jerom but dutch

KajToet commented 1 month ago

I put in a lot of thinking on how the basics work of life and such, but its being negated by this Jeroen. I think he's probably a potsmoker and joking around a lot.

KajToet commented 1 month ago

It seems to me that Jesus is in the middle of absolute good and bad, but seems off to me. So Im not sure at the moment. Perhaps he thought of the mesh, mindmap, karma trifectum before me.