Readify / madskillz

Readify Mad Skillz
88 stars 39 forks source link

Removing Unconventional #44

Closed andrewabest closed 8 years ago

andrewabest commented 8 years ago

I don't think we need to link anywhere - this document shouldn't be tied back to our marketing site for reference. If people don't know what our values are, that is a separate discussion.

robdmoore commented 8 years ago

I'm personally comfortable with this.

cottsak commented 8 years ago

I'd prefer the doc not to link externally also. I think it holds more value being self contained.

However on your second point @andrewabest, "If people don't know what our values are", I strongly object to this. Readify "values" should not be some ambiguous, etherial concept. They should be clear. If you want to say that a SC represents Readify's 'value', then you need to say what that value is.