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Agile Coach? #59

Closed rbanks54 closed 6 years ago

rbanks54 commented 8 years ago

Should a PC know how to coach agile/scrum teams? Should they know how to help an organisation make an agile transformation?

robdmoore commented 8 years ago

I think that LCs should be able to coach teams as well (possibly even SCs?).

I also think it's reasonable to expect that a PC should be able to give advice to help organisations with such a transformation.

mishrsud commented 7 years ago

I'll take the opportunity to comment as this is still open. I personally believe that coaching can be provided at various levels. Let me elaborate: 1) As part of a team, even an SD can influence the team's Scrum adoption by sharing/educating the team - I've been able to influence the client team so that they have Sprint Reviews (the organisation's previous agile coach had discouraged them on reviews). I was also able to influence our scrum master to not invest time in re-estimating if the difference in estimates is not significant (example: 3 people estimating a story as 5 vs 2 estimating at 8). Of course having acquired knowledge of Scrum myself helped :-) 2) At an organisational level, a PC/LC/SC is well placed to coach

rbanks54 commented 7 years ago

@mishrsud Re pt 1 - that's influencing and providing feedback around specific issues. Coaching a team and helping an org transition is somewhat different.

Does anyone want to try and put some wording together for this?

andrewabest commented 7 years ago

@rbanks54 the PC role description currently has the line

I know what is required to bring about organisational change, and when enough trust has been established to broach such topics with customers.

Should we re-purpose this, make it more specific, or add a new one?

cottsak commented 6 years ago

Should a PC know how to coach agile/scrum teams? Should they know how to help an organisation make an agile transformation?

I think there are two separate things here:

andrewabest commented 6 years ago

As per #105, I'm closing this due to inactivity to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio on the madskillz repo. If you'd like to reopen it in the future, please start a new issue and reference this one to pick it up where it left off.