Readify / madskillz

Readify Mad Skillz
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Changing requirements #61

Closed random82 closed 8 years ago

random82 commented 8 years ago

Fixed some wording to emphasize being a proactive supporter of a technical direction, not only follower of whatever change customer want to proceed with.

random82 commented 8 years ago

Anyone interested in merging this one?

kjacobsen commented 8 years ago

I am happy to merge if no one else wants to.

andrewabest commented 8 years ago

I don't like the change from 'adapt to change' to 'challenge change' - I think it sets the wrong precedent. I get the intent of the PR - we need to make sure customers are aware of the effect of change on delivery, expecially constant, unconstrained change.

But I don't like removing the fact that we should foremost adapt to change, and use an approach that allows us to adapt easily - a.k.a being agile.

kjacobsen commented 8 years ago

We really need to be adaptable to change, whilst challenging change.

andrewabest commented 8 years ago

How about

I recognize and accept that change is constant, and my approach allows me to tactfully challenge, or confidently adapt, depending on which I deem appropriate.

danieljanczak commented 8 years ago

My take:

I challenge unnecessary changes, but actively support and adapt to necessary ones.

robdmoore commented 8 years ago

Personally, I really like @andrewabest's suggestion.

andrewabest commented 8 years ago

@random82 any input to the suggestions?

random82 commented 8 years ago

@andrewabest version is in. Happy to merge

andrewabest commented 8 years ago
