Reading-eScience-Centre / ncwms

ncWMS - A Web Map Service for displaying environmental data over the web
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ncWMS on a file with a stochastic dimension. #63

Closed scaddenp closed 3 years ago

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

We are running stochastic models and one of the dimensions is realization. The 0 realization is the ensemble median. Ideally we would use this file with ncWMS and write our own to code to add "histogram" for an selected point on the map as well as vertical profile and timeseries. However, the moment we add that dimension, then the getmetadata call no longer lists variables so the file is not be interpreted. Is there any way to make a 5D file work with ncWMS? even just to work with the first value in that dimension? If you wanted to add that functionality, pointers to the critical classes would be appreciated.

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

oops. I installed TDS 5.0 beta and discovered that it did work on our netCDFs. Well, getTransect is crashing but all the other goodies worked. Looks like we might have a base to build from.

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

using current development branch, the getTransect is working too.