Reading-eScience-Centre / ncwms

ncWMS - A Web Map Service for displaying environmental data over the web
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grib file no vector #94

Open PhMakowski opened 1 year ago

PhMakowski commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a grib file : cdo showattribute R_NOSYCA-CHAMPMTO-arp_0207_06UTC#NosicaHeader.grb z: standard_name = "geopotential" long_name = "Geopotential" units = "m**2 s**-2" missing_value = -9e+33 v: standard_name = "northward_wind" long_name = "V component of wind" units = "m s**-1" missing_value = -9e+33 t: standard_name = "air_temperature" long_name = "Temperature" units = "K" missing_value = -9e+33 u: standard_name = "eastward_wind" long_name = "U component of wind" units = "m s**-1" missing_value = -9e+33 cdo showattribute: Processed 4 variables [0.08s 43MB].

ncWMS Server as Variable ID set : Temperature_isobaric, Geopotential_isobaric, u-component_of_wind_isobaric, v-component_of_wind_isobaric

How can I get the wind vector ? if I use : LAYERS=u-component_of_wind_isobaric%3Av-component_of_wind_isobaric-group&STYLES=vector_wind_barbs I get <ServiceException> The variable u-component_of_wind_isobaric:v-component_of_wind_isobaric-group is not available </ServiceException>

guygriffiths commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delayed response on this. Do you have a copy of the file you could share?

PhMakowski commented 1 year ago

here the file, thanks

guygriffiths commented 1 year ago

Thanks for that. There were a couple of issues. Firstly, this has brought to light a bug in the upgrade to the newest Apache Velocity version, which I've fixed. However, the main reason it wasn't working was that the standard name format wasn't recognised properly (it expects "u-wind component" rather than "u-component of wind").

I've fixed both of those issues in a snapshot version, available here: If you could try it and give me some feedback, I should be able to do a full release soon.

PhMakowski commented 1 year ago

thanks, unfortunately, I can't test it for now I have a error due to java version it seems. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: uk/ac/rdg/resc/edal/wms/WmsContextListener has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 (unable to load class

guygriffiths commented 1 year ago

Ah yes, ncWMS2 has been using Java 11 since version 2.5.0. It looks like you're still on Java 8.

PhMakowski commented 1 year ago

unfortunately I can't use Java 11 in my context.

oiukaa commented 10 months ago

I've fixed both of those issues in a snapshot version, available here: If you could try it and give me some feedback, I should be able to do a full release soon.

@guygriffiths I tested ncwms-2.5.3-snapshot and it recognizes [u|v] component of wind correctly.

For the record / from "bookkeeping" point of view: It seems that fix for this issue is this commit at edal-java repository's develop branch.

btw. Thank your for the this great project (ncws)