I have this laser driver that only works for Arduino code. How should I go about getting it to interface with ROS? I would rather not use an intermediate Arduino platform (for saving weight).
Pausing the gazebo physics in conjunction with the PX4 program--I need to get it synchronized--any tips?
Discussing timeline and getting strict due dates for everything.
Plates printed, trying to simulate this with much difficulty
JJ did a gazebo rangefinder project almost 10 years ago. She's sure that things have changed. She wants to understand the connection between the simulation and what will be on the robot.
A Q function is used in Q learning, and, it takes $s$ and $a$ and, using the Q table, you plug in all of the values, and, for all possible states and actions, you calculate values for all possible states and actions.
JJ: forget about writing right now. I should be able to catch up later. As a collective group, they wanted to provide students with a good time frame. It is important to get the work done and to get good experimental data. In 2 weeks, if we're not making steady enough progress, we will need to come up with some kind of back tracking plan. If I tweak the parameters with gradient descent, it should work relatively well.
JJ says that this may not be the best approach.
Dedicate the rest of january and february to getting this work done.
Doing the discrete approach will be easier to implement. If I am going to go for the combination approach, JJ says implement it fully discretely first, and then see how it does. Then, add on the continuous part!!!
It may be possible to do a combination of discretized and continuous spaces.
My project can still be successful even if I did not train successfully. I can still train and get failing results. I'm demonstrating what I tried and what didn't work. -- something to keep in mind.
:robot: JJ