Reagy / TF2Classic-KO-Custom-Weapons

Repo for the current revision of the custom weapons
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V6 Feedback Thread #179

Closed Theoneofwonders closed 11 months ago

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

Decided to erase the old thread because it's very out-dated and full of feedback that is no longer necessary.

Here you can dump all the feedback and crap about the current iteration that is V6.

I'll also log any incoming hotfixes if there are to be made too.


Staple Burster - DISABLED (For removal)

Elimination Imperative - REWORK

Now a secondary weapon

Caber Toss - REWORK

Completely re-done the weapon's stats

FLAK Cannon - BUFF

Reduced spread

Flight-Breaker Flakker - NERF

Added 40% reduced healing from medics Added no overheal from medics Removed damage bonus and spread penalty stats that were display-only

Saratov Survivalist - BUFF

Significantly increased accuracy of the slug

Unusual Unholy Reckoning - BUFF/NERF

Reduced disguise speed bonus to 40% (from 95%) Reduced damage vulnerability to 33% (from 200%)

Number 29 - NERF

Removed 44% spread bonus

Reagy commented 1 year ago

Maniac's Burster: Rocket count currently makes no sense, always end up with an odd number resulting in there being 1 rocket left from the mag after firing all bursts.

Combatant Directive: Not very appealing to use currently, its guided ability is hindered by the rocket drop and the fact its not 100% perfect on the guide, as we don't have any other guided launchers, its likely best to have merged all the features of the others into this one.

These changes should make these two more appealing to use.

Mirrorman95 commented 1 year ago

I said some of the following in the recently closed thread, but since this just opened, I just wanted to say a few things here: I miss the Heavy's laser guns and the Doom Civilian helmet. The Rifleman's Runt is at least a little overpowered. I feel that the Bigger Stick and the Trailblazer got nerfed in ways I didn't like. And either the Heavy Lucy-Charm Sentry Gun or Ironclad Artillery Sentry Gun has way too much range. Those sentries kept shooting us from across the other side of CTF_Convoy_Storm. They shouldn't be able to do that. And you can't just shoot them down with the Bigger Stick because Convoy's unique physics keep changing the flight path of the rockets so you can't shoot them directly across the trains.

Baruze commented 1 year ago

Engi's brainhack does stupid damage for a secondary and is just better than the coilgun in every way. No damage falloff and splash on top while taking 0 damage for coil jumping is just overkill.

Spy's unholy reckoning is unusable now with the bonus damage taken being in constant effect. Breaking your ankles on fall damage makes traversing the map a chore. In addition you have to be basically in melee range to use it effectively, you have no ammo reserves, no control over the amount of knives you want to throw and it takes an excruciatingly long time to collect ammo. The suit being nerfed to provide barely any ammo in the same patch compounds its issues.

nosoytunose commented 1 year ago

FUN FACT about the problem solver: image

am yet still to find anyone who aproves this change,no one likes it,like at all,the nerf was enough,but just saying "Fuck you ,selfish dispnser,use it how i tell you"isnt just a good idea,just let everyone use the weapon as they please,the point of a weapon sometimes,its just being versatile instad of being stuck to a single role

(also thats why nobody uses the unusual shotgun,specially compared to the current nailstorm,really,nailstorm brain or bag brain is everywhere)

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

Gonna be honest, hate how civilian's random crit weapons are still in the game. Lamplighter and Royal Flush (especially royal flush) are too overpowered when adding them to someone like civilian.

Remove the lamplighter as it has no meaning to be there due to the civ's pseudo ambassador and remove the royal flush's random crits.

I think civ's royal flush could use a big of a damage decrease, as it can two shot soldiers. Don't think it should be that easy to 2 shot a soldier as civilian.

MK-Majro commented 1 year ago

Had a quick thought, since the Mann Beer was too good as a 10s secondary, what if it got moved to a primary instead? You'd have the benefit of the Haste without any of the powerful primaries to pair it with. I know I agreed to nerfing it but as it is right now, it feels way too weak to do anything at all. So that's why I had this "10s Haste Primary" change idea

MopsBantam commented 1 year ago

Some miscellaneous disorganized thoughts:

The Titanium Torcher I think balance-wise is basically fine, but it really just feels like giving Pyro a minigun and making them into Heavy. Like in a vacuum it needs basically no changes, but personally I think this is stretching Pyro a little far to the point where you have to 1:1 treat someone as if they're a Heavy when you're fighting them. Otherwise maybe this could use a cosmetic attached to it?

Likewise, in a vacuum I think the Trench Breaker, Flak Cannon, and new Combat Control are basically fine, but I would disagree with giving Demoman hitscan, or at least with giving Demoman hitscan in his primary slot.

The reflect on Demoknight melees + Chef Jenkins is problematic in that melee is their primary (or only) source of damage, so in the process of trying to damage you they will inevitably get lucky and reflect. Against the Pyro and Heavy melees that reflect I've seen deliberate use of that feature, against Demoknight and Pan Civilians it has always been at very close range where they would have hit me or would be trying to hit me. I can't know these are accidental reflects, but it feels accidental. I've never seen a Demoknight or Pan Civilian use the reflect at a distance because at range their main tool is charging to gap-close. Maybe reflecting could be instead put on a non-charging Demo shield weapon, a different Civilian melee, or a Soldierknight primary?

I do admittedly have kind of a lower end computer but the Spark Shower can be difficult at times to use or fight with tracers turned on due to the amount of particles it can put out at once. I'm not sure if there's a proper fix for this without changing the weapon itself, maybe the same damage spread out over fewer pellets could work?

Soldierknight's tankiness seems a little excessive, it feels like a mini Wall Heavy and it's just kind of annoying to have to pump tons of damage into him.

I don't know what procs the Ten-Gauge Terror's mini-crits but it seems to want to do it whenever it feels like. I don't think it makes too much of a difference either way, though, as the range you end up fighting at while trying to do the objective in my experience sits a little out of its range.

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

Some miscellaneous disorganized thoughts:

The Titanium Torcher I think balance-wise is basically fine, but it really just feels like giving Pyro a minigun and making them into Heavy. Like in a vacuum it needs basically no changes, but personally I think this is stretching Pyro a little far to the point where you have to 1:1 treat someone as if they're a Heavy when you're fighting them. Otherwise maybe this could use a cosmetic attached to it?

Likewise, in a vacuum I think the Trench Breaker, Flak Cannon, and new Combat Control are basically fine, but I would disagree with giving Demoman hitscan, or at least with giving Demoman hitscan in his primary slot.

The reflect on Demoknight melees + Chef Jenkins is problematic in that melee is their primary (or only) source of damage, so in the process of trying to damage you they will inevitably get lucky and reflect. Against the Pyro and Heavy melees that reflect I've seen deliberate use of that feature, against Demoknight and Pan Civilians it has always been at very close range where they would have hit me or would be trying to hit me. I can't know these are accidental reflects, but it feels accidental. I've never seen a Demoknight or Pan Civilian use the reflect at a distance because at range their main tool is charging to gap-close. Maybe reflecting could be instead put on a non-charging Demo shield weapon, a different Civilian melee, or a Soldierknight primary?

I do admittedly have kind of a lower end computer but the Spark Shower can be difficult at times to use or fight with tracers turned on due to the amount of particles it can put out at once. I'm not sure if there's a proper fix for this without changing the weapon itself, maybe the same damage spread out over fewer pellets could work?

Soldierknight's tankiness seems a little excessive, it feels like a mini Wall Heavy and it's just kind of annoying to have to pump tons of damage into him.

I don't know what procs the Ten-Gauge Terror's mini-crits but it seems to want to do it whenever it feels like. I don't think it makes too much of a difference either way, though, as the range you end up fighting at while trying to do the objective in my experience sits a little out of its range.

Ignoring the pyro and demo statements for now

Demoknight Melee reflect for projectiles requires well-timed swings unlike the Homerun so I'm not going to be expecting a lot of accidental reflects on that however Chef Jenkins will get the reflect removed as it's not needed at all.

I'll have to check how much.. output the Spark Shower actually has and evaluate whether it might be worthwhile to optimize it.

Centurion's 100 hp buff was nice but did end up proving to be a little too effective considering that they also have an ability to restore a variable amount of health depending on how many enemies they hit.

Ten-Gauge Terror acquires mini-crit damage for ANYTHING objective related.

nosoytunose commented 1 year ago

image i think this image explains itself

tale of a tragedy needs a rework. i dont know th invisibility doesnt look that effctive when you are...visible

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

Why was the geared up ghost nerfed? I don't really understand because even if it was for the booster shot to not be over 100% healing rate you shouldn't need to nerf one primary because one weapon works well with it more than the others.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

(not to mention it makes the reconstruction syrup better because of this due to healing rates)

TheRealAtomicDemoman commented 1 year ago

the unusual vales minigun is very underpowered it can only work if there is a civilian, dipsenser or payload cart i think hp on kill would make it more useable outside these scenarios(unless it was designed to work only in these conditions if its true..... why)

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

(not to mention it makes the reconstruction syrup better because of this due to healing rates)

Because if you wanted to play healer medic, this was the single pick to go to.

It needed a slight nerf to at least open up some room for other primary weapons such as the Medical Administration and the Reconstruction Syrup primary.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

The Reconstruction Syrup is good enough to work on it's own without needing to nerf the geared up ghost. It is literally just a better medkit if you are able to land your tosses.

The Medical Administration and the geared up ghost are COMPLETELY different. Having a weapon that builds ubercharge faster is very different than faster healing rates.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

Speaking of The Medical Administration, I don't really see a point to it in the first place, as why would you shoot people to gain ubercharge faster when while you ARE shooting you ARENT getting any ubercharge from healing.

MK-Majro commented 1 year ago

I think The Sandmate should deal more knockback and maybe have its tranquil duration increased to 3 seconds.

Being able to crit with melee on Scout could be very useful, but right now it doesn't last enough and you just knock the enemy away from you. Leave the knocking back to the Brick.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

Why was the oathbreaker removed anyways... I don't see a point in "removing" battle medic when you have battle medic items like the Spas-12, Practitioner's Pride, Bio-Waste and Cut Above. Not to mention that like I said before the Medical Administration rewards dealing damage as Medic.

Like, pick a side. Is Medic gonna be allowed to be battle medic or not?

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

Why was the oathbreaker removed anyways... I don't see a point in "removing" battle medic when you have battle medic items like the Spas-12, Practitioner's Pride, Bio-Waste and Cut Above. Not to mention that like I said before the Medical Administration rewards dealing damage as Medic.

Like, pick a side. Is Medic gonna be allowed to be battle medic or not?

Notclue chose to remove it as he's against the idea of battle medic plus didn't want to bother fixing it.

Battle medic is allowed, albiet with moderation.

We're never full-sending into Battle medic ever again.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

I don't really understand how he would be against it with a good idea with the Oathbreaker. If you actually DO become battle medic you're hindering your team by not giving out any heals, while the Oathbreaker made you heal AND deal damage at the same time, along with rewarding the medic for staying near his team.

To me, Oathbreaker made a battle medic subclass, in which medic was actually viable. I don't understand why you wouldn't want this kind of thing in the game.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

(Also replied to the FAL thread you closed)

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

I don't really understand how he would be against it with a good idea with the Oathbreaker. If you actually DO become battle medic you're hindering your team by not giving out any heals, while the Oathbreaker made you heal AND deal damage at the same time, along with rewarding the medic for staying near his team.

To me, Oathbreaker made a battle medic subclass, in which medic was actually viable. I don't understand why you wouldn't want this kind of thing in the game.

Don't look at me, I didn't delete the Oathbreaker.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

can we boycott mr clueless

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

It'd be cool if demoknight shields got explosion resistance instead of explosion splash resistance.

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

It'd be cool if demoknight shields got explosion resistance instead of explosion splash resistance.

I did explosion splash resistance to reward soldiers with landing direct hits..

Also it helps demoknights not get annihilated by sticky spam and AA gun.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

also uhh speaking of resistance

isnt the tank duty just giving heavy effectively 300 health?

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

also uhh speaking of resistance

isnt the tank duty just giving heavy effectively 300 health?


200 / 0.5 = 400

less than the pre-v6 version but it's still an improvement.

..Until the bigger stick is pulled out.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

Sniper Primary Reviews


First of all, wonders, you have completely gone back on your word about changing stock weapons stats.

The stock sniper has a 20% damage penalty and an extra 13% damage penaltly on headshots, giving a -33% damage penalty. I am absolutely shocked on how you could make a stock weapon worse than itself, not to mention the stats aren't shown. There's no sweaty anger snipers here, I don't understand on why you need to make it so that headshots do 100 DAMAGE on a quickscope. This is the worst rework of sniper's stock sniper including the tf2 balance mods. Better stats would be keeping the 20% damage penalty, but giving a 10% damage bonus on headshots, giving 135 headshot damage. Enough to kill a light class but not enough to instantly one shot a medic.

Stock is absolutely shameful, and it's shameful you believed this was a good idea.

Poacher's Pride

The damage buff makes stock absolutely useless, as you decide this can one shot medics? Just revert the stats, we didn't need a buff to this weapon.

Marksman's Marker

A good support weapon being similar to the sydney sleeper, though it hasn't been changed this update so I can understand why it's still good.

Arbalests Bolter

This literally does the same damage as a stock headshot quickscope. Let that sink in. (Buff stock)

Canberra Carbine

Literally a straight upgrade to stock, another reason why stock should be buffed. Might need a damage tweak of -20% too.

Outback Sharpshooter

Wonders... You did not make this similar to the FAL. The FAL and the County Killer were both good weapons to make sniper more offensive. You killed two birds with one stone, and somehow killed the stone too. This is a disappointment of a weapon.


I love how you made this weapon from an OP weapon to a horrible bodyshotting weapon that only counters the tank heavies. (I'm being sarcastic) You talked about in the patchnotes how "there shouldnt be x crits vs y users" or anything, example: spy counter weapons. Now you've just made it the second best thing and made it a counter. Just let this thing die, nobody likes it now, nobody liked it before.


Still a good weapon, but doesn't have a use compared to the hunting revolver. Giving 25+ health and maybe more damage would make it more useful compared to (my) stock sniper rifle and the hunting revolver.


Can't say much about the bows, they're fine.

Hunter Killer + Viewfinder

Both are really good, can't say much about them.

The Perforator

I was honestly hoping the Striker would return, because Striker was the most fun I have had with a subclass in ages. Yet for some reason it got replaced with a shitty sniper that lasted for one update and SMG sniper which lasted for like two updates. Giving Sniper the Striker subclass would be really cool, though would need tweaking on the damage. Honestly don't know why Striker was removed, as I didn't hear any word about it.


Sniper sucks ass. He is a shell of what he used to be and is probably one of the worst classes now outside of a few loadouts. With his shitty weapons and the amount of mobility other classes have, Sniper is probably not going to be chosen much.

(Adding this here so people can actually see it before the post gets closed)

TheRealAtomicDemoman commented 1 year ago

Sniper Primary Reviews


First of all, wonders, you have completely gone back on your word about changing stock weapons stats.

The stock sniper has a 20% damage penalty and an extra 13% damage penaltly on headshots, giving a -33% damage penalty. I am absolutely shocked on how you could make a stock weapon worse than itself, not to mention the stats aren't shown. There's no sweaty anger snipers here, I don't understand on why you need to make it so that headshots do 100 DAMAGE on a quickscope. This is the worst rework of sniper's stock sniper including the tf2 balance mods. Better stats would be keeping the 20% damage penalty, but giving a 10% damage bonus on headshots, giving 135 headshot damage. Enough to kill a light class but not enough to instantly one shot a medic.

Stock is absolutely shameful, and it's shameful you believed this was a good idea.

Poacher's Pride

The damage buff makes stock absolutely useless, as you decide this can one shot medics? Just revert the stats, we didn't need a buff to this weapon.

Marksman's Marker

A good support weapon being similar to the sydney sleeper, though it hasn't been changed this update so I can understand why it's still good.

Arbalests Bolter

This literally does the same damage as a stock headshot quickscope. Let that sink in. (Buff stock)

Canberra Carbine

Literally a straight upgrade to stock, another reason why stock should be buffed. Might need a damage tweak of -20% too.

Outback Sharpshooter

Wonders... You did not make this similar to the FAL. The FAL and the County Killer were both good weapons to make sniper more offensive. You killed two birds with one stone, and somehow killed the stone too. This is a disappointment of a weapon.


I love how you made this weapon from an OP weapon to a horrible bodyshotting weapon that only counters the tank heavies. (I'm being sarcastic) You talked about in the patchnotes how "there shouldnt be x crits vs y users" or anything, example: spy counter weapons. Now you've just made it the second best thing and made it a counter. Just let this thing die, nobody likes it now, nobody liked it before.


Still a good weapon, but doesn't have a use compared to the hunting revolver. Giving 25+ health and maybe more damage would make it more useful compared to (my) stock sniper rifle and the hunting revolver.


Can't say much about the bows, they're fine.

Hunter Killer + Viewfinder

Both are really good, can't say much about them.

The Perforator

I was honestly hoping the Striker would return, because Striker was the most fun I have had with a subclass in ages. Yet for some reason it got replaced with a shitty sniper that lasted for one update and SMG sniper which lasted for like two updates. Giving Sniper the Striker subclass would be really cool, though would need tweaking on the damage. Honestly don't know why Striker was removed, as I didn't hear any word about it.


Sniper sucks ass. He is a shell of what he used to be and is probably one of the worst classes now outside of a few loadouts. With his shitty weapons and the amount of mobility other classes have, Sniper is probably not going to be chosen much.

(Adding this here so people can actually see it before the post gets closed)

the perforator was removed because of model being too laggy for the user so they cut it, they tried to bring it back as aug but it didnt happened.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

I feel like the coffee getting nerfed literally butchered it. It provides scout no survivability or support for your team with the reward of being faster as the fastest class for 5 seconds after standing still for around 5 seconds.

Would be better and would be a good choice for mobility (compared to the geared up ghost) along with being a good support if it's health was back to 120 and was a medium health pack on drop.

(Not to mention Recon subclass is literally a pain to play with when using the coffee due to the lack of health it gives)

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking now, why does most of the food items give reduced health? Why would you promote a selfish playstyle?

TheRealAtomicDemoman commented 1 year ago

I'm thinking now, why does most of the food items give reduced health? Why would you promote a selfish playstyle?

Dont forget the "selfish dispenser" from problem solver revolver

WoomyLol commented 1 year ago

Hello! I have some pesky peeves with V6, I will post them here and tell you how I would fix them

  1. TEN GUAGE TERROR For the love of god, please, PLEASE do something to this OP as fuck weapon, having full mini-crits while capping or holding intel? Really? Pair that with a Guardian Angel medic and your basically unstoppable. If I were to change this, I would say (If possible) to add a stat that makes it so that you drop the intel after a while and have a "cooldown" before you can pick it up again.

  2. GUARDIAN ANGEL No, having multiple charges of negating 80 damage is fucking bonkers, and the only downside is less max overheal? C'mon... If I were to make it more balanced, I'd prolly give another downside, such as -25% heal rate or something.

  3. MORE ENGINEER OFFENSIVE PRIMARIES I don't know why you guys kicked the two good Engie primaries in the balls, those being the Jolly Rancher and Texas Two Step, but it basically makes most of Engie's primaries ass. Maybe make some more offensive based Primaries? So that Battle Engie is more viable?

Thats all, cya!

TheRealAtomicDemoman commented 1 year ago

Alright the nerf for the napalm blaster was an overkill so here is 2 ways to make it less pain to use.

  1. Make it so the projectile was 100% faster and make the lifetime of projectile to 0.012 (this sould make it have the same range as before. There is no need in slow projectile if the range is so low)

  2. Make the projectile have a little more range or have more blast radius because there is no need in -30% blast radius since you cant spam at sniper sightlines anymore.

RhynxSyn commented 1 year ago

remove convoy its so ass :sob:

TheRealAtomicDemoman commented 1 year ago

Alright the nerf for the napalm blaster was an overkill so here is 2 ways to make it less pain to use.

  1. Make it so the projectile was 100% faster and make the lifetime of projectile to 0.012 (this sould make it have the same range as before. There is no need in slow projectile if the range is so low)
  2. Make the projectile have a little more range or have more blast radius because there is no need in -30% blast radius since you cant spam at sniper sightlines anymore.

Alright its actually 0.12 projectile lifetime my bad

Baruze commented 1 year ago

Fix the dynamite not having any impact damage or a slowing effect, please.

MarggieThatcher commented 1 year ago

The new Frag Master is an absolute nightmare to fight against. It's projectile is way too fast to react (airblast or dodge), when hitting a revv'd up heavy it de-revs him and you can't actually ariblast the projectile, since it's basically just a dynamite launcher. Get 2 Frag demos and a pocket medic, and gg, the match is over, and so is the fun. I suggest making it a proper granade launcher so that you can actually react in a diffrent way than dying, decreasing the projectile speed by 25% and decreasing the clip size, because right now it's way too easy to just spam it down a choke. Also please, for the love of God, stop adding hitscan explosives

pro-medic-main commented 1 year ago

nosoytunose commented 1 year ago

Dear One of the Wonders

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to provide some feedback regarding the balance of the "Meatshot eater" weapon in the TF2C custom server. While I appreciate the effort to introduce unique gameplay mechanics, I believe there are some significant issues that make this weapon underwhelming compared to its alternatives.

First and foremost, the damage output of the "Meatshot eater" is notably lower compared to the primary Scattergun, which limits its effectiveness as a secondary weapon for the Scout. Additionally, the significant damage penalty and reduced clip size further exacerbate its shortcomings. These drawbacks make the weapon less appealing and hinder the Scout's ability to engage in combat effectively.

Furthermore, the 10% slower movement speed on the wearer is an unnecessary penalty that discourages players from using the "Meatshot eater." The Scout relies heavily on speed and mobility to excel in close-quarters combat, and this penalty significantly impairs his ability to maneuver and engage with enemies.

In comparison to another secondary shotgun option, the "Last Laugh," the "Meatshot eater" seems disproportionately weaker. The "Last Laugh" offers higher damage output, self-knockback, and a health bonus on kill, making it a more enticing choice for players. This disparity in performance undermines the viability and appeal of the "Meatshot eater."

Moreover, the "Meatshot eater" restricts the Scout from utilizing the range and accuracy provided by pistols, limiting the player's options for different playstyles and reducing the overall versatility of the Scout class.

To address these balance issues, I would like to propose some adjustments to the "Meatshot eater" that could help make it a more viable and appealing weapon choice. One possible solution could be reducing the damage penalty or increasing the clip size, allowing the Scout to deal more damage over time and engage in prolonged encounters without feeling excessively limited. Additionally, reconsidering the movement speed penalty or exploring alternative penalties that do not hinder the Scout's mobility as significantly could greatly improve the overall balance of the weapon.

By addressing these concerns, the "Meatshot eater" could become a more competitive and enjoyable option for Scout players, while maintaining a fair balance with other secondary weapon choices.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate the effort you put into maintaining a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience in the TF2C custom server.

Sincerely, U.H.T.

P.D.:Excuse the use of "overbudget issues",but i consider that the best way to communicate a balance issue is a depth analisis

Baruze commented 1 year ago

pls remove tdm_crossfire from rotation every time i have played on this map engineers spawn camp with level 3 sentries that kill you the moment you respawn what is the point of this miserable map

MarggieThatcher commented 1 year ago

Some miscellaneous disorganized thoughts: The Titanium Torcher I think balance-wise is basically fine, but it really just feels like giving Pyro a minigun and making them into Heavy. Like in a vacuum it needs basically no changes, but personally I think this is stretching Pyro a little far to the point where you have to 1:1 treat someone as if they're a Heavy when you're fighting them. Otherwise maybe this could use a cosmetic attached to it? Likewise, in a vacuum I think the Trench Breaker, Flak Cannon, and new Combat Control are basically fine, but I would disagree with giving Demoman hitscan, or at least with giving Demoman hitscan in his primary slot. The reflect on Demoknight melees + Chef Jenkins is problematic in that melee is their primary (or only) source of damage, so in the process of trying to damage you they will inevitably get lucky and reflect. Against the Pyro and Heavy melees that reflect I've seen deliberate use of that feature, against Demoknight and Pan Civilians it has always been at very close range where they would have hit me or would be trying to hit me. I can't know these are accidental reflects, but it feels accidental. I've never seen a Demoknight or Pan Civilian use the reflect at a distance because at range their main tool is charging to gap-close. Maybe reflecting could be instead put on a non-charging Demo shield weapon, a different Civilian melee, or a Soldierknight primary? I do admittedly have kind of a lower end computer but the Spark Shower can be difficult at times to use or fight with tracers turned on due to the amount of particles it can put out at once. I'm not sure if there's a proper fix for this without changing the weapon itself, maybe the same damage spread out over fewer pellets could work? Soldierknight's tankiness seems a little excessive, it feels like a mini Wall Heavy and it's just kind of annoying to have to pump tons of damage into him. I don't know what procs the Ten-Gauge Terror's mini-crits but it seems to want to do it whenever it feels like. I don't think it makes too much of a difference either way, though, as the range you end up fighting at while trying to do the objective in my experience sits a little out of its range.

Ignoring the pyro and demo statements for now

Demoknight Melee reflect for projectiles requires well-timed swings unlike the Homerun so I'm not going to be expecting a lot of accidental reflects on that however Chef Jenkins will get the reflect removed as it's not needed at all.

I'll have to check how much.. output the Spark Shower actually has and evaluate whether it might be worthwhile to optimize it.

Centurion's 100 hp buff was nice but did end up proving to be a little too effective considering that they also have an ability to restore a variable amount of health depending on how many enemies they hit.

Ten-Gauge Terror acquires mini-crit damage for ANYTHING objective related.

okay but why do other classes have reflect? There's a reason only Pyro can do that, and if you keep giving every class every function, you're gonna end up with 10 Open Fortress mercenaries. Right now demonight IS A COUNTER TO PYRO, and the only way to actually kill a Crown Crusher demoknight is either a sentry or having a good pocket medick up your ass as a heavy. Also when pyro airblasts, it costs him ammo, and it has an almost 2 second delay, so he can't just spam mouse2 and not get killed. The other reflect weapons cost no ammo, swing way faster than once per 2 seconds, and already give benefits of their own. The Crown Breaker's damage bonus is enough to make it a viable weapon, it was fine as it was, people just didn't use it because other options were (and still are!) way stronger, and frankly overpowered (see the Longknife having ABSOLUTELY NO DOWNSIDES ON DEMOKNIGHT). The Kingslayer was very much the same, health on kill is a very good and strong upside, so I have no idea why the "deflect" buff (also can we get some Bobby Baton aprecciation). The Hydraulic Hammers were also fine as-is before the update, making it a good for melee, which heavy was lacking (the Stand Proud is an exception), and also gave him a stupid gimmicky way to take down a sentry, with the resistances and damage bonus. Now heavy can dash out big damage at almost any range, heal himself very quickly, and if you try to hit him, guess what, you can't, he pulls these out and swings ONCE and bam- now the only thing that can stop him is a backstab, and good luck getting that on these servers. The Buzz-Killing Machine is already a good pyro melee option, even after several nerfs, and the best one if you're not going into combos and giving the class with airblast another airblast is not very useful. If you want to buff this weapon, bring back the "force into melee on hit" stat, I think it was a perfect punishment for letting a close range class get too close to you, and nowdays every class has a good melee to fight back.

Also I would like you to know that noone picks pyro to play heavy and noone picks scout to play sniper. Please stop making classes into other classes, gimmicky shit like the hunter shotgun on heavy is fine since heavy already has a shotgun but please, incentivize on making weapons that enforce a classes strenghts, not turn them into something diffrent. Instead of giving pyro a minigun, give him better secondaries to perform combos, or buff the Ignition Charge or Chemical Catastrophe to promote alternate playstyles (which is, other than w+m1). Instead of giving scout a sniper rifle, give him a low-damage slug-based weapon that gives marked-for-death on hit for 3 seconds or so, making him a bit more useful to the team.

Final note, a humble suggestion- please, when playtesting new shit, do it only on 1 of your 3 servers, so that you have an option to compare weapons between updates. When you force an update on all servers, people don't care if it's better or worse than before because they have no choice of reverting it back, so they will give less feedback because they will roll with whatever you give them.

I hope I'm not too annoying, I just care about this server very much

pro-medic-main commented 1 year ago

I agree with having a playtesting server. Most if not all of the new updates have had at least one horrible weapon and one busted weapon. Instead of waiting for a hotfix or just waiting ages for a new update (like what happened with the Mann-cannon and Chain of Command) just set up a playtesting server instead.

If a playtesting server was set up I think it'd greatly improve the updates and weapons as we get to take a look at them and see how broken (bad or good) they are before just forcing us to play with these weapons and basically just saying "deal with it, wait for the update". (Though a few changes have been made without hotfixes or updates like the shao-long heater and the Booster Shot)

Reagy commented 1 year ago

All the servers are "playtest" servers, I'm not running servers with multiple branches of this.

pro-medic-main commented 1 year ago

You say that despite having an actual playtest server that requires a password to get into. Why not just make that server available for the public?

Reagy commented 1 year ago

You say that despite having an actual playtest server that requires a password to get into. Why not just make that server available for the public?

You mean one of the 3 servers that is temporarily passworded to check if new sourcemod plugins are functioning and once found they are, the password is stripped.

To give you a context on why I'm saying no to this, all the servers use a central mount point for all their assets and configs. The fastdl is also centralized as well. All of this is shared from one file repository that all the servers point to.

I refuse to maintain unmounted servers again, it wasted so much management time and I don't want to be spending my "not sat in the wage cage all day" time having to babysit two repositories.

The servers you play on are literal live tests of items and ideas, making a "public play test" server defeats the point.

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

You say that despite having an actual playtest server that requires a password to get into. Why not just make that server available for the public?

You mean one of the 3 servers that is temporarily passworded to check if new sourcemod plugins are functioning and once found they are, the password is stripped.

To give you a context on why I'm saying no to this, all the servers use a central mount point for all their assets and configs. The fastdl is also centralized as well. All of this is shared from one file repository that all the servers point to.

I refuse to maintain unmounted servers again, it wasted so much management time and I don't want to be spending my "not sat in the wage cage all day" time having to babysit two repositories.

The servers you play on are literal live tests of items and ideas, making a "public play test" server defeats the point.

Also wanting to jump in here real quick, I spend countless hours playtesting everything when it comes to creating the bigger updates (I spent approx ~200 hours playtesting v6).

While I'm not perfect, I'm good enough to handle playtesting shit by myself.

The fact that out of the COUNTLESS changes the sandbox has seen, the fact that only one or two weapons gets busted each update is an incredibly high balance success rate of about 96-98%.

While I like the notion of having a playtesting server, I demand that people place more trust and faith in me.

pro-medic-main commented 1 year ago

not my medic 🗣️ 🔥 🔥 🔥

nosoytunose commented 1 year ago

Aight, this is a unusual request, so no overbudget issue this time, but its short in and a bit goofy but, here is my argument.

Right now the eviction notice sits in a weird spot, being the bastard son of the K.G.B., G.R.U. And the stand proud (Yeah they had a trio deal with it), the nish of a gru lite was fullfilled by the stand proud so...right now it gets no use, so, what if, we take valve's idea, and give it a 5 second speed boost (not haste) on hit (with a check so it doesnt leak to other weapons), to trully be a jack of all trades, master of none, crits on kill from KGB, movement speed of the GRU and fast punches with a reward of the stand proud without suffering the weapon lock, in exchange of weaker effects overall and less damage, with the good ol damage vuln, i know maybe deleting the weapon would be a easier option, since is a live weapon but, tell me this doesnt look fun: So my case stands in that it would be really cool that we buffed the eviction notice with the speed boost to sorta revive it, good afternoon

MK-Majro commented 1 year ago

Got mentioned in the Discord, but what if the Timely Demise could be cooked?

Seems like it'd bring some depth to the weapon by letting you time when it blows up instead of just dropping it and hoping nobody notices.

(It was "Unconventional healing tactics" who had this idea)

Theoneofwonders commented 1 year ago

Got mentioned in the Discord, but what if the Timely Demise could be cooked?

Seems like it'd bring some depth to the weapon by letting you time when it blows up instead of just dropping it and hoping nobody notices.

(It was "Unconventional healing tactics" who had this idea)

A rather fascinating idea but I fear it would potentially end up devolving into being used as an instant-win suicide button.