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Use bottom-sheet/drawer instead of modal for creating TCR #1199

Open TG1999 opened 3 weeks ago

TG1999 commented 3 weeks ago

Issue Description

Currently we use modal for creating TCR, the modal is very small, one option can be to increase the size of the modal or we can ask a UX designer to suggest a new component there altogether like a Drawer for taking inputs, I was thinking it like how we write mail in GMail. Something on these lines.

Expected Behavior

Using more screen width for creating TCR, and full screen for mobile devices I guess.

Current Behavior

Modal is very small


Screenshot from 2024-04-28 11-00-50


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Enter any issue in search query URL from RDS for example
  3. Click on Request as Task


Additional Information
