At first, I would like to say that Filming is totally amazing! Thank you for your efforts!
I would like to propose few things:
Adding to file-type SELinux labels (you can see them when you add Z to the keys, like ls -lsaZ) - must have!
Manually entering the path by clicking Ctrl+L and/or other means
Remove action column and replace with Bootstrap Context menu ( I just did this for my Karateka project, combined with data-tables and it's awesome! Tricky but awesome!
No screen reloads! Start making things AJAX like style. Just reload table body (<tbody>), not the whole thing. - It's not needed and makes things annoying. Especially same should be done when copy/paste/add bookmark and stuff. It's very easy to do really. Block the screen everytime the request is made to the server, showing small loader at the bottom of the screen, when done popup a message, that files are copied/pasted or something. Recommend:,
Let user choose the destination path, when user does operations on files, folders. Like if you want to extract an archive it doesn't let you choose the path. You could use default Webmin file_chooser or enter it manually.
Adding more space between label-icons and text like one extra Same buttons on top - the icon should get extra on the left and the right.
Fix a bug when clicking on select all/inverse in Authentic Theme, if custom checkboxes used, they must be update by running $('.acheckbox, .aradio').icheck('updated'); Before running it you can check if user hasn't disabled it as it's enabled by default by testing global var settings_window_customized_checkboxes_and_radios
Fix sorting files by size - it's done and woeking in Authentic Theme
When user changes Module name in Webmin->Configuration, using Module Titles. It changes in left menu but when you actually get to Filemin, default name (Filemin) is displayed. Should be fixed.
At first, I would like to say that Filming is totally amazing! Thank you for your efforts!
I would like to propose few things:
to the keys, like ls -lsaZ) - must have!<tbody>
), not the whole thing. - It's not needed and makes things annoying. Especially same should be done when copy/paste/add bookmark and stuff. It's very easy to do really. Block the screen everytime the request is made to the server, showing small loader at the bottom of the screen, when done popup a message, that files are copied/pasted or something. Recommend:,
or enter it manually.Minor (fast and easy to do):
Same buttons on top - the icon should get extra
on the left and the right.$('.acheckbox, .aradio').icheck('updated');
Before running it you can check if user hasn't disabled it as it's enabled by default by testing global varsettings_window_customized_checkboxes_and_radios