RealJammy / The-Jambot

A repo for my discord bot!
4 stars 13 forks source link

added ukmt cog and updated #67

Closed mariaachim closed 3 years ago

mariaachim commented 3 years ago

I added a UKMT cog which will generate random questions from the specified competition (JMC, IMC and SMC) from the specified year (that is why there are thousands of files added, but if this is inconvenient I or Jamie can make it read files from the URL), I have also updated commands to add them from the UKMT cog :)

RealJammy commented 3 years ago

waffle you are very epic, merge

JamBot3000 commented 3 years ago

UwU das a lot of files :eyes: Epic feature :)) If it slows the bot down or anything we can always just run that hacky web scraper i put together just to get the urls. Or host the images on our own. Damn jammy merged before i could rip. Also pancake pics pls xoxo

mariaachim commented 3 years ago

uwu of course xoxoxo