This is the official and only Bugtracker for our Server Harbringers (Realm: Kilrogg) for Warlords of Draenor. Please note, that we will ONLY work on bugs reported here.
Questgiver doesn't offer the quest despite having done all the previous one in the chain. Also the quest item doesn't make you friendly with the hostile NPCs so you're unable to continue the chain.
Quick Fix: Make her Neutral to both factions so that you're able to interact with her, but also kill her (because she's an objective for a later quest)
What is the Bug? (Brief Overview)
Questgiver doesn't offer the quest despite having done all the previous one in the chain. Also the quest item doesn't make you friendly with the hostile NPCs so you're unable to continue the chain.
WoW Head Link to Quest, Item etc.
Quest: Quest Item: Questgiver: Quest hand in NPC:
Expected Behavior
Take quest, become naga, talk to big naga lady to turn in quest
Current Behavior
Unable to pick up quest, become naga, unable to talk to big naga lady to turn in quest
Steps to Reproduce
Quick Fix: Make her Neutral to both factions so that you're able to interact with her, but also kill her (because she's an objective for a later quest)
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