RealNobser / BetterDuinoFirmwareV4

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Program size to big? #2

Closed PatrickSteiner closed 3 months ago

PatrickSteiner commented 3 months ago

Hi, followed your instructions on building and uploading BetterDuino via VisualStudioCode, but am getting

Error: The program size (32372 bytes) is greater than maximum allowed (32256 bytes)

Is there more to change in platformio.ini than the USB Port?

Also noticed that your instructions say to use the following fuse setting

L: 0xFF
H: 0xD7
E: 0xFC

but in your you use

board_fuses.efuse = 0x07
board_fuses.hfuse = 0xDF
board_fuses.lfuse = 0XFF

do they both work?

RealNobser commented 3 months ago


I fixed the fuse settings, thanks for the hint!

Regarding the file size: In the PlatformIO extension, go to "Dependencies/Update". This will install an updated ATmega328P Dependency, which is smaller than the old ones. It is still tight, then, but the standard builds should work again.

Please give me an hint if that worked for you!

BTW: The board_fuses settings are obsolete nevertheless. The are not used in the command line below, which is actually called. These settings don't do any harm nevertheless...

PatrickSteiner commented 3 months ago


compile now works. I only struggle with the upload in VisualStudio, works with ArduinoIDE but not with PlatformIO. Have changed the port but still get avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 5 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00

RealNobser commented 3 months ago

Which progger do you use?

PatrickSteiner commented 3 months ago

I did various experiments. I did try to flash an Arduino Pro Mini via this programmer:

As this didn't work, I tried generally flash an Arduino Nano directly vi USB Cable, which worked with the Blink Example via ArduinoIDE but not via PlatformIO ... I guess that there is some misunderstanding or wrong config on my side :-(

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

PatrickSteiner commented 3 months ago

Not sure if I'm on the right path, but changing board = ATmega328P to board = nanoatmega328new in allowed my test to flash and work. Unfortunately changing this does create compile errors in BetterDuino, as printfis not a member function of SendOnlySoftwareSerial or any of its inherited classes.

Am I onto something or just down a rabbit hole?

RealNobser commented 3 months ago

MarcDuino boards are designed to be programmed via ISP, not via serial bootloader. There is not enough memory for bootloader AND MarcDuino/BetterDuino. So do you have a Nano board with ISP-Header? (e.g. ISP is the 6 pin block on the rear.

PatrickSteiner commented 3 months ago

Makes sense ... I do have the ISP Header soldered to my Nano. I have also tried to flash my Pro Mini via my programmer but ran into the same issue. If I use board = ATmega328P if will not flash, but it will with board = nanoatmega328new. This is also re-producible with ArduinoIDE. Using processor ATmega328P get's timeouts but using ATmega328P ( Old Bootloader ) works.

Could this be caused by a non-compatible programmer ( see link to mine above )? Happy to buy the USB ISP-Programmer für Atmel AVR from Diamex Shop, as linked in your instructions, if that solves my issues.

RealNobser commented 3 months ago

I will check your programmer in detail, later. The Diamex works fine with the configuration in the repository. It works with original MarcDuino boards as well as with Arduino Nanos or Pro Minis (when using the ISP-Headers on the corresponding AIO board).

PatrickSteiner commented 3 months ago

Error was, as expected, on my side. My Programmer is FTDI - will order an ISP capable one.

Thanks for your patience with me.