RealRaven2000 / FiltaQuilla

Adds many new mail filter actions to Thunderbird
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 15 forks source link

Missing mesquilla documentation page - Found #272

Open TonyGravagno opened 1 month ago

TonyGravagno commented 1 month ago

The documentation page refers to an old blog post:

See the post “Inherited Folder Properties – revisited” at for more information about using inherited folder properties.

The site is gone but that post is still available via the WayBackMachine. It can be difficult to catch an active server on that service these days, but I managed to get the post and save the raw HTML to a Pastebin so that it can be integrated directly into a page on the quickfolders site.

The original article, "inherited-folder-properties" was never indexed by the WBM and thus is not provided here.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

Can we move this to the FiltaQuilla Github? as far as I remember, this is where this feature was originally implemented...

it's just very hard (I don't know if possible) to create it in Thunderbird 115 / 128

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

transferring this here, as it is a FiltaQuilla feature (any mesquilla references hosted on the quickFilters site are actually really FiltaQuilla related.)

TonyGravagno commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I wasn't sure how you wanted that, as that info is on the quickfolders site. I'll know for next time. :) Thanks!