RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Filtering of TB does not work properly when QuickFolders add-on is active #219

Open MarkusLoyen opened 2 years ago

MarkusLoyen commented 2 years ago

TB 91.3.0 (and older versions) Quickfolders: 5.8.3 (and older versions) OS: Windows 11 (but had the problems mentioned below also on Win 10 before migrating 10 days ago)

I am experiencing severe problems with the TB internal Filters when QuickFolders [QF] is active.

It seems that QF (some kind of) inhibits TB from following the [46 in my case] filtering rules set. Messages do not get moved, or when being moved from time to time they get duplicated or multiplied (up to 10 times or more), so that I need to use another add-on (remove duplicates) to dedupe.

I needed to disable the add-on to make the filters work again (so yes I can reproduce the problem), but I am loosing the functionality of having the QF Folders bar.

In case more information is needed please let me know and I will do my best to give more info.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Peculiar - can you run the filter manually while you have JavaScript error console open? I bet it is an internal IMAP / synchronisation issue...

Open Tools / developer tools / error console : image

configure and reset: image

run the filter, then capture the log with right-click - Export Visible Message to > Clipboard: image

if it only happens while downloading new messages capture that instead after you clicked "Get new Messages".

MarkusLoyen commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick response and sorry for keeping you waiting for my response..

here the requested output:

Error: Not a valid compose window undefined Object { "return-path": (1) […], received: (5) […], from: (1) […], to: (1) […], subject: (1) […], date: (1) […], "mime-version": (1) […], "content-type": (1) […], "message-id": (1) […], "x-originalarrivaltime": (1) […], … } background.js:69:13 post request is not possible background.js:90:15 Object { "return-path": (1) […], received: (5) […], from: (1) […], to: (1) […], subject: (1) […], date: (1) […], "mime-version": (1) […], "content-type": (1) […], "message-id": (1) […], "x-originalarrivaltime": (1) […], … } background.js:69:13 post request is not possible background.js:90:15 Object { "return-path": (1) […], received: (5) […], from: (1) […], to: (1) […], subject: (1) […], date: (1) […], "mime-version": (1) […], "content-type": (1) […], "message-id": (1) […], "x-originalarrivaltime": (1) […], … } background.js:69:13 post request is not possible background.js:90:15

target folder Newsletters looks like this

multiplied mails


RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Error: Not a valid compose window undefined Object { "return-path": (1) […], received: (5) […], from: (1) […], to: (1) […], subject: (1) […], date: (1) […], "mime-version": (1) […], "content-type": (1) […], "message-id": (1) […], "x-originalarrivaltime": (1) […], … } background.js:69:13 post request is not possible background.js:90:15 Object { "return-path": (1) […], received: (5) […], from: (1) […], to: (1) […], subject: (1) […], date: (1) […], "mime-version": (1) […], "content-type": (1) […], "message-id": (1) […], "x-originalarrivaltime": (1) […], … } background.js:69:13 post request is not possible background.js:90:15 Object { "return-path": (1) […], received: (5) […], from: (1) […], to: (1) […], subject: (1) […], date: (1) […], "mime-version": (1) […], "content-type": (1) […], "message-id": (1) […], "x-originalarrivaltime": (1) […], … } background.js:69:13 post request is not possible background.js:90:15

is there any way you can capture the "backgrund.js" source code to see from what Add-on this is? the file name should be a clickable link. Unfortunately, many many mail Add-ons use a file called background.js

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Also, maybe post the definition of a filter that doesn't work - does it move mail to a folder that also has a bookmark on QuickFolders?

MarkusLoyen commented 2 years ago

made huge testing that took enormous amount of time --> all add-ons switched off: filter works Quickfolders on: works from time to time, sometimes only after restart, or several duplications or multiplications

BTW: there is no "one" filter that is not working.. it is all filters not working... or all filters are working.. All filters move incoming newslettes to a newsletter folder on a local imap account on a local server